Daddy Day Care: When big daddy is watching the kids, nobody is acting up. This trail-cam picture of a big 8-point buck and a couple of fawns was taken in Cherokee County on Aug. 7. There’s a pretty good buck in the background, too. Thanks to Travis Cowart, who submitted the picture.
Pesky Pigs: When you’re trying to put some food out for the deer, a couple of wild hogs can put a serious dent in the feed budget. Mike Xenos, a GON subscriber from Albany, said they had hoped this raised feeder might deter the pigs. “So much for that effort. They ate 100 pounds of corn and 100 pounds of protein pellets,” Mike said. Mike got this picture on July 7 at 1:26 a.m.
A Snake In The Corn: No doubt about it, snakes are attracted to feeders—or at least to the rodents that feeders attract. Aletha Wilson, of Wrens, sent this picture taken at a friend’s property in Washington County. The image was captured on July 26 at 3 a.m.
Got Him! John Bloodworth, of Covington, had been seeing this Newton County brute on trail-cam for three years. “I was starting to lose hope,” John said. He got the trail-camera picture on the left on Oct. 7 last season, and although the picture was taken at 2:48 a.m., it renewed John’s hope. On Nov. 13, it happened. “Today my prayers were answered when I killed this buck at 1:30 in the afternoon. I called the deer to within 75 feet and dropped him in his tracks with one shot from my 12 gauge with 3-inch magnum 00 buckshot.”