

VOTES 2021: Rate Your Deer Season, Turkey And Dove Regs Survey

VOTES, which stands for Voice Of The Educated Sportsman, is a GON survey that has been around for more than two decades. A question on the survey each and every year is Rate Your Deer Season, which gives us county-specific ratings that can be compared to historical trends. We simply want to know how your…

Wild In The Kitchen: Country Fried Venison Steaks

Country-Fried Venison Steaks You’ve got to try this recipe from Beth Strickland, who prepared this dish as part of the Middle Bay Boat Team during a AWF Gulf Coast wild game cook-off. 2 lbs. cubed venison steaks Whole milk 2 cups all-purpose flour Seasoning salt Black pepper to taste 1/4 cup bacon grease 2 cups…

Girl’s Hunt Provides More Than Backstraps

The minutes ticked on: forty-four, forty-five, forty-six. I was running out of patience, time and getting really antsy. Dad told me to sit still; it was just getting prime time for the deer to start moving and coming out to eat. The anticipation was killing me. I had seen the big buck on the trail…

Deer Hunt Teaches To Never Give Up

It was 6:00 o’clock that morning. The alarm clock was making the noise of an airplane roaring through the sky. I leaped out of my bed as I was rubbing the gritty, sleepy sand out of my eyes. I did not get much sleep last night because I was so excited about the next morning…

Down To The Wire For Georgia Deer Hunters

Georgia has a deer season longer than most every other state in the country. So why does it seem like it takes forever to get here, and then it is over before you know it? There’s still time put up some venison to get you through until next season—maybe even time for some last-minute magic…

South Georgia 10-Point Buck Is Picture Perfect

Believing the early December arrival of cooler weather would have a positive effect on deer movement, Justin Roberts decided to spend last Wednesday afternoon checking out his Worth County hunting area. On this particular occasion he decided to take along his 4-year-old son, Levi. After reaching a blind situated in an area of open pines,…

Rut-Crazed Dawson County Buck Is A Hoss!

Mornings in the Georgia deer woods like Timothy Vaughan experienced are what get hunters excited about the potential of the rut. Peaceful stillness in the stand can be transformed immediately into unexpected, exciting action—an adrenaline rush people who don’t hunt could never imagine. “It was a very quiet, calm and cool morning…” That is how…

Carroll County Buck Limps Into Range

Keith Pike, of Mt. Zion, was hunting on Nov. 27 in Carroll County when he saw a nice buck that was limping as it walked. Keith shot the deer, and when he recovered it, he discovered that both front hooves were long and curved. “I’ve never seen both front hooves look like his,” said Keith.…

Wild In The Kitchen: Venison And Wild Hog Texas Tamales

Venison And Wild Hog Texas Tamales (6 to 8 dozen tamales) Ingredients: 1 package dried corn husks One leg of venison (about 8 pounds, deboned) Side of pork (8-10 pounds, deboned) 1 small onion Salt White vinegar Bacon grease Flour 2 or 3 cans (8 ounces each) tomato sauce Black peppercorns Cumin seed Fresh garlic…

Charity Broadwell’s Talbot County “Unicorn Buck”

Charity Broadwell woke up early the morning after Thanksgiving debating on whether or not she would get into the stand. Unfortunately, it was one of her occasional rough mornings, but mornings such as those happen when one suffers from autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Her husband, Jason, was already in their Kawasaki Mule. He…

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