

Turkey Changes Highlight Hunting Reg Proposals

Changes to the 2022-2023 turkey seasons were the most significant proposals in WRD’s hunting regulations package presented to the DNR Board on March 23. All of the proposed hunting regulations would take Georgia hunters through the next two hunting seasons, beginning in the fall of 2021 and running through turkey season 2023. For years, southeastern…

Injured, Sick Or Confused… This Deer Ignores Motorist

GON subscriber Dewaine Seese, of Eatonton, had an up-close experience with a confused deer last month. Dewaine was driving in rural Hancock County on Highway 77 that connects Highways 15 and 16 when he drove right up a deer standing in the middle of the road. Dewaine believed the deer to be a buck. “That…

12-Point Buck Shatters Tift County Bowhunting Record

Yeah… nets are for fishing, but when it comes to official scores for bucks, net scores are how they’re recorded. It is what it is. A Tift County bow-buck was one of those that got creamed by the scoring system, but it still came out on top as a new county record. Brad Hamm killed…

Hunter’s Journal – March 2021

By Otto Gruhn Sr. I’ve had some great times in the woods chasing game and have made countless good memories with friends and family. I truly have been blessed.  However, this past trip to our property in Clay County was one that will be played over and over again in my mind and heart and…

Antler Shed Science

Like most deer hunters, I love finding shed antlers. Perhaps it’s because each antler is as unique as a human fingerprint, or because it provides hints to where a buck lives, his age, his antler quality and even his dominance rank in the herd. Regardless, I view each shed antler as a prize worthy of…

Columbus Looks To Shut Down Bowhunting

The city of Columbus recently discussed implementing a ban on bowhunting for deer hunting in Columbus and Muscogee County on any tract of land that is less than 10 acres. The issue came up for discussion on Feb. 9, and it’s expected to come up for more discussion on Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 5:30 pm.…

More Georgia Deer Hunters Reporting Excellent Deer Seasons

We’re starting to wonder how much better Georgia deer hunting can get. For the 2020-21 season, 356 of our 1447 respondents, or 24.6%, rated their seasons as excellent, the best excellent rating in at least 20 years. Only 10.1% said they had “poor” seasons. That’s the lowest percentage of folks with a poor rating in…

Aiden Rosier Gets Dream Buck

By Richey Burge January 5th was not a day I would have handpicked for a trophy buck to be taken. It was cloudy, cold and windy, a far cry from the clear October days when our deer hunting is at its best. But as any sportsman knows, success often occurs in the most inexplicable of…

The Slaughter Mountain Mystery Buck

Jesse Payne, a 33-year U.S. Forest Service employee and veteran deer hunter, couldn’t believe what had just happened. Jesse had climbed almost to the top of Slaughter Mountain and had just shot at and missed the biggest buck he had ever seen. Jesse was slowly making his way to the top of the mountain when…

New No. 2 Buck For Laurens County

A new No. 2 buck has officially been registered for Laurens County, a giant, clean 10-pointer taken by Stevie Drew, of Cadwell, on Nov. 14, 2020. The deer grossed 168 5/8 inches and netted down less than 3 inches to 165 7/8. “I thought I had missed the deer, he didn’t flinch or anything but…

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