

No More Deer Tags For Georgia Hunters

“What? No more deer tags? How will they know how many deer were killed? This is awful! Now there is no way to keep those sorry poachers from killing more than five deer!” Many hunters reacted this way when they bought their big game license prior to the ’96-’97 deer season. I was slightly amazed…

1997 Cobb County Corp Property Pope & Young

The weather early in the day was crazy with wind, rain, clouds and sun. I was debating to hunt or not because deer normally bed down in unstable weather, besides I don’t like to hunt in the rain. Seeing that the rain was ending, I decided to go hunting. I went to an area that…

Dougherty County Bow-Buck From Marine Corps Base

By Michael Layfield On Oct. 27, 1997 I hunted a pine grove on Marine Corps Logistics Base in Albany, Georgia. The wind was out of the northwest at 15 mph and the temperature was dropping into the low 40s. Earlier in the day while working I saw a buck bedding with a doe in this…

Right And Wrong Times For Grunt Calls

Mid-November, peak of the rut, and I was in hot pursuit of a trophy whitetail buck. Perched high in a pine tree at the edge of field, I waited eagerly for a buck to approach down the trail and provide a bow shot. As it neared dusk, I looked across the field and spotted a…

Jeff Crowell Gets Second Chance At Gwinnett County Buck

I was hunting in Gwinnett County on Sept. 28, 1997 at 7:10 p.m. when I finally got a shot. It was the first time I had been able to hunt this season. There is a small tract of land, about 40 to 50 acres in size, where I’ve seen a few deer and yearlings for…

Research By Dr. Mickey Hellickson Shows When And How To Rattle Up A Buck

I caught movement out of the corner of my eye just as I pulled my rattling antlers apart. I slowly turned for a better look; but whatever it was that had made the movement was no longer visible. I softly blew a grunt tube, and at the sound of the grunt the buck jerked his…

A Huntress Is Born

By Pam Holland In late October 1994, my husband Charles called me on my car phone while I was on my way home from work as clerk of the court in Candler County and asked if I wanted to go with him to his deer stand while he hunted. After the way my day had…

The Hunt For The Cemetery Buck

  The buck was tiring when it reached the top of the sandhill and stopped near the cemetery. It turned and stood in the open, facing back into the swamp where the dogs would be boiling out of the trees. Through its nostrils and open mouth it blew loudly. It had run far enough and…

Poacher’s Bullet Tears Through Hunt-Camp Trailer

“At least we were able to call the police, and didn’t have to call an ambulance,” said Kim Keel, of Duluth, after a night-hunting poacher’s high-powered rifle bullet plowed through a trailer at a Marion County hunt camp and just missed her two children and a friend’s child who were inside. The incident could easily…

Abe Northcutt’s 1958 Jones County Giant Buck

What does Mr. Abe A. Northcutt, of Eatonton, have in common with the late, great Fred Bear? For starters, at a spry 80 years of age, “Mr. Abe,” as his friends fondly call him, is an avid whitetail hunter who has been chasing Piedmont bucks for nearly 40 years. Mr. Abe started hunting deer in…

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