Shed From State-Record Typical Turns Up
A shed antler found by a rabbit hunter in ’61 is almost certainly from the Monroe County giant. The shed and the buck killed the next fall are both state records!
GON Staff | May 5, 1999
The discovery of a giant Monroe County state-record buck killed in 1961 was stunning and now another remarkable chapter can be added to the story of the Ashe buck.
In February of 1961, less than nine months before Buck Ashe killed the 16-pointer that is now recognized as Georgia’s state-record typical, a rabbit hunter found a shed in Monroe County that is nearly a mirror image to the dimensions of the Ashe buck. In addition to the similarities of the measurements, the shed was found in a big swamp along Rum Creek—the same area where Ashe killed his 16-pointer.

The Ashe buck (above) and the McMullan shed have characteristics that are so similar they are either from the same buck —or identical twins!
The shed, a right antler with four typical points and four abnormal points, was found in February 1961 by Gordon McMullan, of Forsyth, who was 14 years old. The shed was officially scored and is recognized by the North American Shed Hunters Club as Georgia’s record shed with a score of 79 1/8.
Incredibly, there’s another twist to this story—the other side of the shed was also found!
“It was found the first week in March of 1961 about 200 yards behind a house off Juliette Road, about three-quarters of a mile from where I found mine,” said Gordon. “It’s definitely the other side.”
Gordon called GON to tell us about his shed after seeing last month’s story about the Ashe buck.
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