In the spring, we asked GON readers to tell us about land they leased in 2013. The GON staff and publisher allowed us to post a notice in the February 2014 and March 2014 issues. Readers were directed to an online survey link and given the opportunity to answer 10 questions about their 2013 hunting…
I recently received a call from my uncle inviting me to come bowhunt behind their Cobb County house with my cousins. I jumped at the opportunity since this meant I wouldn’t have to get up so early like I normally would if I were going to our lease in Coweta County. Tuesday, Nov. 4 came,…
On an April evening three years ago, Jason Power, of Winder, discovered a tick attached to his leg. A hunter and fisherman, Jason had pulled ticks off of himself before. He didn’t give it a second thought. “I pulled it off my leg, but this time the bite place just wouldn’t go away. It left…
Editor’s Note: The following article and accompanying graphics were developed through research after a collaborative effort between the UGA Deer Lab, WRD and Georgia DOT. Peak rut is that magical window of time when most hunters would like to be firmly planted in the deer woods. Unlike their northern brethren who breed primarily in November,…
What is your definition of the word “camouflage?” There is no right or wrong answer, but what if one of those definitions could make you a better hunter? Meriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary defines camouflage as a noun, a verb and an adjective. As it pertains to hunting as a noun, the definition would be a way…
Deer hunters in Georgia who are 15 and younger get a two-for-one when it comes to GON’s big-buck contests. First, they can enter Truck-Buck, and then they will also automatically be entered in the Youth Big-Buck Contest. The highest-scoring buck entered each week by a kid earns a spot in a Youth Shoot-Out for the…
In spite of the fact that Georgia’s 2013 deer season produced few entries for the Boone & Crockett Club’s records books; hunters took a significant number of outstanding bucks around the state. Several of these deer placed high in individual county rankings, and in a few cases, new records were established. Two of these records…
There will be one less Fab-40 caliber buck on the prowl in Jasper County this fall after a giant 9-pointer was poached in a pecan orchard on Fellowship Church Road early in the morning of Sept. 28. On Wednesday, Oct. 1, DNR Ranger Freddie Hays received information that a Jasper County buck had been poached…
Some of my fondest hunting memories have come when pursing deer and hogs a mile or more from the truck. My most recent memory is from Altamaha WMA, where I spent several days hunting hogs a few Octobers ago. Between six of us, we hauled 15 hogs out of the woods, with the longest pull…
It was one of those mornings where I did not need an alarm clock. I had a great stand location picked out and was eager to slip into the thicket undetected. My goal was to hunt the new stand location I had discovered and shoot the mature buck that would be passing less than 10…