GON Subscriber Exclusives
The end of another hunting season is on the horizon. Will Creekzilla finally meet his match or live to see another one expire? Gifts come in various forms. “The Magician” speaks to his audience. And now, the conclusion of “Coming of Age.” No hindsight ip unit displayed. Blood-curdling screams of anguish could be prolifically heard.…
The hysteria and excitement of the rut is on in middle Georgia. The gang revisits traditional November hotspots with great success. An intruder meets an old friend. The little girl’s fingers struggled to grasp the orange plastic pellet. She loaded her gun and examined her target through the iron sights. “Aim for her vitals, sweetheart,”…
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED. Ware County: “I told you this was not the way to do it.” Those…
We would much rather be sitting in a deer stand rather than crunching numbers and doing math, but GON’s unique database of officially scored bucks is a gold mine of information. And like a precious metal, it has to be extracted. That’s hard work, but we love it because the information is unique and priceless. …
The tradition of opening day of gun season continues. Two parental teachers have lasting memories with their protégé’s. A former understudy draws the line. Tyler pulled down the hill of the roadside shoulder and stared at the trailhead along the edge of the woods next to the bridge. There were no signs of Ty and…
Georgia’s deer rutting activity varies widely across the state, a fact more unique to Georgia than probably any other state with a large population of white-tailed deer. This range in timing provides both great opportunity and sometimes great confusion to Georgia hunters. We know WMA hunters who follow the rut peak on public lands across…
September brings opening day of bow season and the launch of fall. Two young hunters eagerly await their chance at matching wits with a target buck. Does experience matter, or will good fortune win the day? Jethro Jones eased down the shoulder of the dirt road, careful not to leave footprints. The sun dropped…
Once again GON has looked at all the hunt data from public lands and crunched them into easy-to-read tables and charts. In this year’s WMA Special, we have deer hunting stats on 91 pieces of public-land dirt. Top quota and non-quota hunts from last year are listed below. Jump in and do your research as…
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED. Harris County: On Jan. 10, 2021, Game Warden Gregory Castelli received a complaint that…
Dawn came slowly on Sunday morning. The forecast called for early morning showers moving through the area and clear skies by 9 a.m. The air was thick, and Julian could smell the coming rain. It was cloudy, overcast and misting rain when they left the lodge around 5 a.m. Julian took Anderson Burke to a…