
GON Subscriber Exclusives

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – March 2025

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Douglas County: On Oct. 9, 2022, Game Warden Chandler Traylor and Cpl. Brock Hoyt responded to a hunting without permission complaint off…

GON March 2025 Flipbook Edition

Want To Start A YouTube Channel?

It’s that time yet again… time to kick back in the old La-Z-Boy and thumb through the pages of GON magazine. For me, that usually means a roughly two-hour trip or so from the cover to the back that takes me on one adventure to another, and it could be anything from rabbit hunting the…

Tried & True Turkey Hunting

I picked up the small tube call sitting beside me and threw a couple of yelps down into the steep, hardwood bottom below. I thought it sounded pretty good and apparently so did the three north Georgia gobblers that showed up not too long after. It was all new to me then, and the resources…

Jae On Jackson: Slow & Steady

One of the things I love most about our state is variety. Especially when it comes to outdoor pursuits. Think Dahlonega. Then Savannah. See? For at least the first half of this year, I’ll be on impoundments, rivers, PFAs, ponds, creeks… and very possibly an oversized swamp. Those are the ones I know of. Three—Sinclair,…

WMA Turkey Special

Georgia turkey hunters are fixing to enter year No. 4 with a shorter turkey season and a bag limit of two toms, down from a three-bird limit prior to the 2022 season. WMA hunters continue to find themselves with a short window to roll a gobbler, not being allowed to hunt until one week after…

Lake Oliver Prespawn March Bass

March is a great month to catch big largemouth and spotted bass up shallow in a prespawn mode. And one of the best bass bites occurs at a lake on the Chattahoochee River you might not even know about. Lake Oliver is a small Georgia Power lake north of Columbus. You can see the Oliver…

From GON To Big League Tournament Fishing

Big Bass, Big Stage, Big Dreams That is the banner on the weigh-in stage at a Bass Anglers Sportsman Society tournament event. BASS says those fishing the Elite Tournament Series are “Living the Dream.” Many young Georgia anglers hope to live that dream and walk across that stage. Around 1999 when I started writing what…

Lake Varner Fishing Holding Its Quality

If you like to fish, especially in small lakes, there’s nothing like a warming trend in early February. Add into the recipe a trip to Lake Varner with its history of producing big largemouth bass, and no surprise the snooze button saw no action before I jumped out of bed to start a cup of…

GON February 2025 Flipbook Edition