
GON Subscriber Exclusives

Fall Fiction: The Homecoming Part 2

Mike slowly looked down. There lying in a bush next to a weathered cypress tree was the largest shed he had ever seen. As Keith picked it up, four perfectly symmetrical points glowed in the afternoon sun. Though slightly weathered, the shed was in remarkably good shape. “Look, I think I see the other side…

Georgia’s Best Bucks: 2017-18 Fab 40

If it weren’t for bowhunters killing some amazing bucks, last deer season in Georgia would have gone down as the worst season for big bucks since GON began compiling scores and data  three decades ago. Eleven archery bucks made the prestigious Fab 40, which is GON’s annual presentation of our state’s best bucks from last…

The Wabash Express

My lifelong friend, Ducky Jones, and I were lamenting the state of today’s kids recently. On beautiful warm weekends, they are actually indoors, by choice, hunched over a computer screen, killing robots in some silly fantasy game. How sad. I asked Ducky if he remembered one particular weekend when we were kids and got involved…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner April 2018

Dodge County: On Nov. 18, 2016, DNR Law Enforcement Sgt. James McLaughlin and Ranger Allen Mills met with a landowner in reference to someone hunting without permission. The following account of the case are from the official Department of Public Safety Incident Report, as written by Ranger Mills. “He showed us a stand near the…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – February 2018

Dodge County: On Nov. 18, Sgt. James McLaughlin and Ranger Allen Mills met with a landowner in reference to someone hunting without permission on property in Dodge County. The complaintant found clear evidence that someone was hunting the property, and he knew for sure the person didn’t have permission. “He showed us a stand near…

The Freak: A Survivor’s Tale Conclusion

By John Seginak and Brandon Adams   Billy Haddock’s eyes strained to cut through the early morning fog, to see into the thick privet and cane of the Washington County river bottom. “That was a deer, I know it was,” Billy told himself. He never used his rifle scope to get a better view of…

The Freak: A Survivor’s Tale Part 4

By John Seginak and Brandon Adams The cool nights of spring seemed like a distant memory. The summer of 2013 was typical for Oglethorpe County—hot and humid days and little relief as the sun began to set. The soybeans were now 6 inches tall and growing daily. At least those that were not being eaten…

The Freak: A Survivor’s Tale Part 3

By John Seginak and Brandon Adams The trio of coyotes sensed the opportunity. The young buck had lost its front leg below the joint when the deflected bullet had hit him two months earlier. Their movements were instinctual, honed from centuries of a daily need to hunt and eat. One moved slowly and quietly around…

The Freak: A Survivor’s Tale Part 2

By John Seginak and Brandon Adams Tires screeched across the Oglethorpe County blacktop as the driver jammed the brakes. The buttonhead did a quick 180-degree turn, but the truck was on the deer. At the last moment, the driver veered ever so slightly, the front edge of the truck missing the young buck’s rear ham…

Camping 101

Camping today is more popular than it has ever been, with millions of Americans participating annually. I love it and often combine the activity with hunting and fishing trips. However, considering my early experience, it is a wonder that I have a predilection for camping at all. I was 4 years old before I realized…