
GON Subscriber Exclusives

Fall Fiction: Coon Dog Cemetery Hunting Club Part 2

As Dexter’s truck rounded a curve on the narrow dirt road, a large, black squirrel suddenly ran across in front of it. After unpacking and listening to Dexter’s crazy story about Dillon and his Jeep, Dexter and the boys had hurriedly headed out to scout for two good opening-day stand locations. Because of school, the…

2019 GON’s Pay Dove Shoots List

Georgia’s dove season kicks off on Saturday, Sept. 7 at 12 noon. It will run the entire month of September before taking a break until the Saturday before Thanksgiving.  If you’re looking for a private dove field, a number of options are on these two pages. You’ll see a variety of dates, amenities and field…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – August 2019

The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and resources from game and fish law violators. McDuffie County: Some people can’t seem to resist the urge to post on social media, even when it can get…

The Way of an Old Master – Conclusion To “The Shotgun”

Mr. Peterson started talking, and he didn’t stop for two hours. During that two hours, I learned about the extraordinary life of a unique individual who dedicated the better part of his adult life to turkey hunting. “Tom Dixon loved turkeys and turkey huntin’ more than anything else in the world except his wife,” Mr.…

Education Of A Turkey Hunter – Part 2 “The Shotgun”

Conditions were perfect. It was cold and clear. I was leaning against a large pine, well camouflaged but a little chilly. A light breeze was blowing, and the temperature was probably in the high 30s. My knees and feet were pulled up tight against my body, and the old 12 gauge was resting across my…

Fall Fiction: The Homecoming Part 5

The next morning, after finding his dad’s old stand in the woods, Mike’s alarm went off as the sun was just starting to peek through the trees. Mike was convinced that his dad had come to him. He couldn’t explain how that was even possible, but he knew what his father wanted him in the…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – November 2018

Montgomery County: On Nov. 25, 2016, at 20:36 hours (8:36 p.m.) a DNR Law Enforcement officer received a call from a Montgomery County Sheriff’s Deputy about reports of shots being fired in a rural area well after dark. Cpl. Kevin Joyce received the call from Deputy Lance Taylor. According to Cpl. Joyce’s incident report, “Taylor…

Fall Fiction: The Homecoming Part 4

Thirty seconds passed as the buck stared at Mike and Keith, frozen like a statue in the middle of the road. He looked strong and healthy, well on the way to recovering from his gun-shot wound, despite it only being a few weeks since he was hit. Finally, he flipped his tail and bounded off…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – October 2018

Clinch County: On Nov. 22, 2016, DNR Cpl. Jason Shipes responded to a complaint about possible night hunting activity and met with a person who had found a dead deer in a field. “Earlier this date, the complainant found a freshly killed doe yearling left to rot in the field. The deer seemed to be…

Fall Fiction: The Homecoming Part 3

The buck bolted toward the safety of the marsh as blood gushed from his wound. Another bullet whizzed by his head as a second shot rang out. His body burned with pain as he ran deeper into the marsh and finally made it to a small creek. Leaping into the water, the buck felt instant…