WMA Turkey Special
Deadline to sign up for general and youth WMA turkey quota hunts is Feb. 15.
Brad Gill | February 1, 2023

We’re thankful Bruce Bandt sent this photo in last April of his Oaky Woods gobbler. It was one of just three birds killed out of the 147 hunters who signed in at Oaky Woods. The middle Georgia WMA offers a quota hunt April 8-14 and then non-quota hunting opportunity April 15 to May 15.
Your last chance to apply for WMA general and youth turkey hunts is Feb. 15. The charts on pages 33 and 35 show a list of some of the WMAs that offered turkey hunting during the spring of 2022, along with each WMA’s turkey harvest and hunter numbers.
Last year, five WMAs added quota turkey hunts to their 2022 spring schedules: Bullard Creek, Crockford-Pigeon Mountain, McGraw Ford, Paulding Forest and Sheffield. View how those areas did before applying for a WMA turkey quota hunt this spring. You’ll see a chart on page 33 that ranks—from best to worst—the WMAs that hosted at least one turkey quota hunt last spring. This includes areas that hosted youth quota hunts.
There’s a host of non-quota options, as well. Use the chart on page 35 to steer your decision making on where you may want to decide this spring.
As always, we want you taking kids turkey hunting. Kudos to WRD Game Management for providing so many options for parents. There’s a list of turkey quota and non-quota WMA opportunities on page 32.
Apply for quota hunts at
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