Nine Tips For Coyote Hunting
GON Staff | June 11, 2008
These tips from A.J. Niette were published in the June 2008 issue of GON. With fawning season kicking off now, these will get the job done to remove some coyotes at time when researchers say it can make the most significant impact to improve the survival rate of fawns and turkey poults.
No. 1:
When possible, always hunt with the wind in your face from the direction you expect the coyote to come from. However, this is usually just a good guess since a coyote can come from any of the 360 degrees around you. A.J. carries a bottle of talcum powder to test the wind currents.
No. 2:
Since distance is an advantage to the hunter, set up blinds so shots of 100 to 250 yards are possible, but practice shooting so you feel comfortable hitting at that range.
No. 3:
Use the rabbit distress call as your main call, but turkey hen calls or young coyote howls and non-aggressive socialization barks will also work.
No. 4:
Take the first good shot that presents itself, as waiting for the close shot may cost you the coyote. A.J. has numerous good examples. Recently he was coyote hunting and called a coyote down a powerline. He let it come on in close. But as it got within 100 yards, it spooked a deer. The deer spooked the coyote, which ran into the woods. That coyote was gone.

Fawn survival rates have plummeted in Georgia in the past 20 years since coyotes, a non-native, invasive species in Georgia, have become widespread and efficient predators of southeastern game animals.
No. 5:
A coyote bark or whistle might stop a coyote long enough for a shot.
No. 6:
While some hunters use the “run-and-gun” method of spending no more than 30 minutes in one location, A.J. often spends up to one hour at one spot. This is because he spends a good bit of effort to set up.
Also, he says the nearby coyotes come in quick, but those roaming past need more time to find your location.
No. 7:
Hunt year-round. A.J. is retired from the automotive industry, so he is able to hunt often and prefers weekdays, so he doesn’t disturb deer and turkey hunters. His prime times are January through March and then May until September.
No. 8:
To increase your odds, hunt in the evening, just after the sun goes down and use a strong 6-volt light.
No. 9:
A.J. recommends full-body camo, and to hunt during the summer, he uses a ThermaCELL to keep the bugs away.