Girl Turkey Hunter Continues Cancer Fight, Seeks Prayers
Brad Gill | June 2, 2020
A few weeks ago we released a story at about an 8-year-old girl from Washington County who is in the middle of a fight with cancer. In the midst of that storm, she recently found time to show her 28-year-old brother how things are done when she rolled three turkeys with one shot.
“I was so excited,” said Jordan Grace Cobb, the young hunter who lives on her family farm in Davisboro.
On Dec. 6, 2019, Jordan Grace’s parents, Kevin and Allison Cobb, received a phone call with news that no parent ever wants to hear. The biopsy from a polyp taken from Jordan Grace was malignant. On Dec. 10, they met with an oncologist at Children’s Hospital of Georgia in Augusta, who told them that Jordan Grace had a form of cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. At press time, she was receiving radiation and chemotherapy treatments in Augusta.
One of Jordan Grace’s good days when she could get out was April 10. She went hunting with her older brother Tucker and Tucker’s friend Evan Wiggins. They located a flock of birds in a clearcut and were able to call them in.
“The came up in a line,” said Tucker. “We weren’t trying to kill three. The middle one separated from them, and I said, ‘You see that middle one? Shoot him.’ She shot, and I knew he fell. Evan hopped up and said, ‘Oh my gosh, there are turkeys everywhere.’ There were three of them flopping. It was crazy.”

Jordan Grace Cobb rolled these three turkeys with one shot on the morning of April 10 while hunting with her older brother Tucker and a family friend Evan Wiggins in Washington County. Jordan Grace spends a lot of time in Augusta receiving radiation and chemotherapy treatments. Her chemo treatments are scheduled to end in November, just in time for Jordan Grace to go after her first deer.
With 20 years of separation between Jordan Grace and Tucker, you could say their brother-sister relationship can at times be like a father-daughter one.
“Me and Evan were jumping up and down, you would have thought she killed a world record,” said Tucker.
You can rest assure that Jordan Grace has been having a time rubbing her success in her big brother’s face.
“I’ve killed a coupe of doubles, but never a triple. She’s still rubbing it in,” said Tucker.
Jordan’s full hunt story is at
More important than a hunt story is the need for prayers. On “Jordan Grace’s Journey” Facebook page, a partial post from May 18 said, “Please pray for Jordan Grace. She has had a really rough weekend. The pain from her jaw has increased to the point where she is taking pain medication around the clock. It is so painful for her to eat and drink. She also has a thrush infection that is making her throat hurt and adding to her discomfort. Dr. Ring saw her on Friday and assured us that while it is so hard to see her like this, the pain and thrush are both expected side effects of her chemo and radiation. We knew this month of radiation and chemo would be so hard on her little body, but it has been hard on all of us. We are so thankful that she is so tough and is fighting so hard to rise above it.”
We ask the GON community to follow Jordan Grace’s Journey at
Looking forward, Jordan Grace has affirmed that she’s going to be in the woods this fall looking for her first deer.
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Hi Grace. I’ve been thinking about you and praying for you! Hang in there!!