
2024 Bussey Point Deer Hunt Dates Announced

Primitive-weapon, quality-buck hunts during three weekends at corps land on Clarks Hill Lake.

COE Communications | July 25, 2024

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, J. Strom Thurmond Lake and Dam Project, Forest, Fish, and Wildlife section, will host primitive weapons deer hunts in Bussey Point Corps Management Unit, located in Lincoln County in October, November and December this year.

All hunts are limited to the first 75 hunters to arrive per day on a first-come, first-served basis. Archery hunters are invited to participate in all scheduled hunts, too. The corps hosts these annual hunts to maintain the deer population within the carrying capacity for the area, to improve herd quality and to provide quality trophy opportunities.

Park visitors who are not hunting are encouraged to find other recreation areas during the scheduled hunts. The management area will also be closed two days prior to each hunt, allowing only hunters who are scouting or placing deer stands. Weapons are NOT allowed in Bussey Point on scouting days. The 2,545-acre peninsula will open for scheduled hunts:

 Dates                                       Hunt Types
Oct.  25-26                             Archery / Muzzleloader
Nov. 8-9                                   Archery / Muzzleloader
Dec. 13-14                               Archery / Muzzleloader

Prior to hunting, each hunter must check in at the entrance gate and prior to leaving, check out at the check station, located at the entrance gate. Hunting hours are from one hour before sunrise through one hour after sundown.

Hunters must be licensed in accordance with existing Georgia Department of Natural Resources Regulations. A Wildlife Management Area permit is not required for the hunts. The appropriate licenses will be inspected and collected along with the vehicle tag number. The licenses will be returned at check out. Upon checking out, hunters must check their harvest in and provide survey answers before leaving the property.

The bag limit (strictly enforced) is two does and one quality buck each day of each hunt. Legal bucks must have 15-inch main beam length or more on at least one side, or 14 inches or greater on the outside spread. All state regulations, including harvest reporting, is enforced. This is a non-quota hunt, which means the harvest counts toward the state bag limit.

To reserve a campsite at Bussey Point Recreation Area, call 877.444.6777 or visit webpage For information regarding campgrounds and site availability near the Bussey Point CMU, please visit the J. Strom Thurmond Lake webpage at

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