Lake Russell Record Black Crappie
Hannah Housworth | March 13, 2011

Eric Johanson Jr. caught the lake-record black crappie on Lake Russell on March 13, 2011. The Savannah River slab weighed 3 pounds even on certified scales.
See all of GON’s Official Georgia Lake & River Records
Requirements For Record Fish
• Fish must be caught legally by rod and reel in a manner consistent with state game and fish regulations.
• Catch must be weighed on accurate Georgia DOA certified scales with at least two witnesses present, who must be willing to provide their names and phone numbers so they can be contacted to verify the weighing of the fish.
• Witnesses to the weighing must be at least 18 years old, and they must not be members of the angler’s immediate family nor have a close personal relationship with the angler.
• Catch must be positively identified by qualified DNR personnel.
GON’s records are compiled and maintained by GON, to be awarded at GON’s discretion. Additional steps may be required for record consideration.
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