Small Lake Fishing Resources
Small Lake Articles
Since 1991 Tifton Kiwanis have organized an annual kids fishing event (KFE) with Paradise Public Fishing Area (PFA) located near Tifton between Brookfield and Enigma. Registration began at 7:30 a.m. on June 10, 2006 as children 15 years and younger gathered with families to experience a good, fun, outdoor adventure. Event chairs Alfonzo McCalley, Mike…
Evans County PFA: Level: Full pool. Temp: 80-85 degrees. Clarity: 30 inches. Bass: Good. Several bass in the 5- to 10-lb. range were caught throughout May. Anglers using crankbaits, flukes, and live shiners fishing in six to eight feet of water are most successful, and this pattern should continue into June. Smaller bass have been…
We’ve all been there. You find a quiet little isolated pond that you know holds the world-record bluegill, it’s spring and you can see the light color of the bed way back in the corner of the lake, and there is absolutely no way to get there. From your vantage point the vegetation is…
Sam Taylor, of Box Springs, knows something about catching bass and big bass in particular. GON keeps records of the biggest Georgia largemouth bass of all time. To even make it onto GON’s Georgia’s Biggest Bass of All Time list, a bass must have a certified weight of 14 pounds. Sam Taylor’s name is on that…
In its infancy, the Hugh M. Gillis Public Fishing Area (PFA) in Laurens County was favorably compared to its neighboring PFA in Dodge County, but as it entered its third year of operation in 2006, Gillis PFA showed definite signs of making a name for itself. If you’re looking for a fat mess of fine-eating…