Lake Worth
Lake Worth, also known as Lake Chehaw, is a small reservoir at the confluence of the Flint River, Kinchafoonee Creek and Muckalee Creek. The concrete Flint River Dam was built in 1908 for hydroelectric generation and is owned by Georgia Power today. Lake Chehaw is very riverine and shallow with average depths of 17 feet. In winter, the lake is drawn down nearly 10 feet in anticipation of flooding spring rains. In the Flood of 1994, the lake overflowed its banks and the dam itself was underwater at one point.
Lake Worth/Chehaw Resources
Georgia Fishing Articles
On High Falls Lake — and just about everywhere else — a jig ’n pig is considered a big-bass bait. “Seems like every time you catch a bass on a jig ’n pig on this lake, it’s a good one,” said my fishing partner on the lake last month. On Jan. 16, I spent an afternoon…
Last May, B.A.S.S. anglers Davy Hite and Kevin VanDam were talking after the day-two weigh-in of Bassmaster’s Elite Series tournament on Clarks Hill. Davy had weighed-in back-to-back 20-lb. sacks, and all Kevin had after day two was a pair of 10-lb. bags. Kevin wanted to know just what in the heck Davy was throwing to…
Larry Brewer caught a 9-lb., 7-oz. lake-record walleye on Lake Seed on Dec. 15, 2006. The state has an active walleye stocking program in several north Georgia reservoirs. Here’s an article from the GON archives that details how and where anglers can catch Georgia walleye.
Record Fish Lake Worth Upstream To Blackshear Dam
White Crappie | 2-lbs., 0-ozs. | Angelo Feros | 01/14/2013 |
Shoal Bass | 8-lbs., 5-ozs. | Clark Wheeler | 04/16/2022 |