Scrapbook – September 2023
Reader Contributed | August 31, 2023
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Early season grunting on Sept. 24 brought this Haralson County 8-point into bow range for Chad Folsom, of Bremen.

Brady Willis, 16, of Jesup, was hunting on family land in Wayne County when he killed this coyote on Jan. 6.

This Gilmer County 10-pointer was cruising the side of a ridge last Nov. 5 at 1:30 p.m. when Dewayne Watkins, of Ellijay, got his best-ever buck.

Ethan Carson was 16 when he got his first deer in Twiggs County on the last day of deer season. “The smile says it all,” said grandfather Steve Carson.

Hope Hansford has been fishing since she was 10, and it was a camping trip to Ridge Road campground on Clarks Hill that produced her best-ever bass

Ronald Brett, 84, of Sandersville, with a big Washington County gobbler he killed early last season.

Luke Tarrer, 16, of Ideal, with his Macon County 9-point buck taken on Nov. 21 during Week 11 of Truck-Buck.

Wayne and Teresa Friese, of Sylvania, pulled off an improbable double on Screven County gobblers last season.

An 18-yard shot with a bow smoked this Marion County 10-point buck last Nov. 20. Matthew Dufresne, of Buena Vista, was 16 when he arrowed the buck.

Steve Hice, of Dawsonville, with his Dawson County 8-point buck killed Nov. 25.