Scrapbook – March 2022
Reader Contributed | February 28, 2022
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Ryan Cash, of Hiram, with the 300-lb. boar he killed last year while hunting a Flint River bottom in Taylor County.

Cassie and Anniston Wisenbaker caught some massive bream and a few bass at a private pond in Valdosta.

Congrats to 18-year-old Ty Spradlin, of LaGrange, whose first deer was this nice Meriwether County buck.

Carl Duck caught this bass at Lake Juliette on June 25. “I was dropping live bream for some of the massive catfish I’ve been chasing on Lake Juliette and caught the bass of a lifetime,” Carl said. “This was the morning after my father passed away. My dad would always claim a 10-pounder one day, and I would always say I’m going two-tenths more—I caught this 10-lb., 2-oz. bass.”

This super 9-point buck was killed in Jackson County by Brannon Cook, who had him on camera for two years.

Reese Tedder, 19, of Grayson, caught this 10.52-lb. bass June 3 from a Gwinnett County neighborhood lake.

Parker Dingler, 17, of Social Circle, with his impressive Walton County 11-point buck killed on Nov. 30.

Maddox Smith’s Morgan County bow-buck has great tine length. Maddox said four bucks were chasing a doe Nov. 4.