Scrapbook – June 2019
Reader Contributed | June 4, 2019
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Blake Carter, of Madison, was fishing a private pond in Morgan County on March 1 when he pulled in a 7-lb. bass.

The birds were hammering on opening morning in Gordon County for Chuck Morgan, of Resaca. Chuck doubled up on these longbeards.

GON member Jake Arthur, of Cumming, got some adorable help from his proud daughter Alivia to show off his south Fulton buck killed on Thanksgiving morning.

John Powers with a super buck from Turner County killed two years ago. John’s dad is a longtime GON member.

Khory Holliday, of Forsyth, shot this impressive 240-lb. 10-point buck in Lamar County last season on Oct. 27.

Matt Fulton, of Greensboro, said his 4-year-old daughter was begging him to go sit in deer stand. He shot this Greene County 10-pointer and said, “Special moment to have my daughter with me on this deer hunt I won’t forget.”

Steven Barron, of Williamson, had been hunting this very identifiable Spalding County buck all season, and Steven got the 10-pointer on Nov. 15 when it came in behind a doe.

Ocilla’s Steve Hudson with his Worth County 10-pointer killed Nov. 16, the morning of the season’s first frost.

Jacob Robinson, of Temple, killed this Carroll County 8-pointer last November about a month before his 17th birthday.

Kayla Spinks, of Social Circle, didn’t have much time to hunt last season being away at college, but she got to the Walton County woods on Nov. 18 and it paid off with this nice 8-point buck.

Andrew Barnett, of Winston, doubled on two big gobblers in Douglas County. The bird on the left had 1 1/2-inch spurs and an 11-inch beard.

Wanda Johnson, of Mount Airy, caught this 30-lb. flathead using live bait on Sept. 30. Wanda was fishing the Apalachee River in Morgan County.

“After three years of trying to find this dog-killing beast, ‘Oreo’ is put to rest!” The 375-lb. boar hog was killed in Turner County by Mike McCabe, Chandler Crawford, Justin Pate and Alex Richter.

GON member Vickie Smith, of Bolingbroke, with one of the redfish she and husband Bobby Lee Smith caught near Darien the first week of April.

Curtis Flournoy, of Elko, caught this Houston County 12-pointer checking a scrape line about 10 minutes after daylight last season on Nov. 1.

Larry Cason, of Newborn, almost slept in Nov. 4 after a week of hard hunting, but he’s glad he went to the Jasper County woods. Nov. 4 has been his magic day the last few years, and it was again.