Scrapbook – January 2020
Reader Contributed | December 26, 2019
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Three generations of Seals men had a great hunt in Liberty County in 2017— (L-R) Calvin Seals, Austin Seals Sr. and Austin Seals Jr. Austin Jr.’s big buck was his first deer on his first-ever hunt.

Donny Skinner, of Athens, got this Oglethorpe County 8-pointer on camera in September and finally saw him hunting on Nov. 9.

Congratulations to GON member Drew Ferebee, of Davisboro, on his first deer, a Washington County 8-point buck.

Hunter Hightower shot this Newton County gobbler right after it flew down heading to his dad’s calls on March 30.

Jeff McDonald, 80 years young, shot this heavy-bodied 9-point buck Nov. 2 in Franklin County at the EIEIO Farm.

Kelby Bullard scored on her second buck ever, and it was a good 8-pointer. Kelby was hunting in Washington County Thanksgiving Day.

“Curly” gave Kelly Herndon a second chance! Kelly had this three-beamed buck at 20 yards with no shot, and a week later the big Gwinnett County buck gave Kelly a chance at redemption.