Scrapbook – January 2019
Reader Contributed | January 5, 2019
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Epic hunt at Chattahoochee WMA on Oct. 26 for Silas Mask, of Zebulon! Silas saw the bear and watched it for 30 minutes feeding in a clearcut food plot to make sure it wasn’t a young bear still with its mother. When he shot the bear, it ran and fell 8 feet from road. Later that morning, he shot the 11-point buck, aged at 6 1/2 by biologists. “As if this hunt couldn’t get any better, I was able to drag the buck downhill to where the bear was, back the truck up to the bank and roll them into the bed of the truck,” said Silas. The bear was a 112-lb. sow.

John Duncan, a GON member from Newnan, downed this Coweta County 8-pointer on a Thanksgiving Day hunt.

Another one bites the dust. Danny Card shot this coyote with his blackpowder gun on Oct. 19 in Hancock County.

Carter Higginbotham downed this Wilkes County buck on Oct. 31 while hunting a rye grass plot. She said they had called him “Captain Hook” and had the buck on camera for three years.

Roger Batten, of Nicholls, killed this 5-foot, 4-inch diamondback rattlesnake in Coffee County on Oct. 6.

Chad Folsom, of Bremen, was glad he had his scent elimination spray when this buck came in downwind. Chad was hunting in Troup County when he shot the buck at 8:15 a.m. on Nov. 10.

Congrats to Brittany Demore, of Cleveland, who got her first buck Nov. 25 on family land in Lincoln County.

This impressive Jasper County 9-point buck was taken by Blake Malone at 5:20 p.m. during a November hunt this season.

Congratulations to Garrett Moore on his first buck, a 7-pointer killed Nov. 22 at Ms. Sarah’s in Brooks County.

This Morgan County 11-point was chasing a doe the morning of Nov. 11 when Jose Onate, of Loganville, got his shot.

Jesse McLeod, of McDonough, with his Henry County buck taken on Dec. 10. 2017. “Finally, after over 30 years of hunting deer, a shooter comes along,” said Jesse.

Here’s a bow-buck that will make the Lanier County records. Trey Strickland, of Lakeland, arrowed the 9-pointer on Oct. 12.

“Couldn’t of asked for a better opening day of the 2018 season!” said Ethan Gibel, who doubled on Polk County gobblers with Kayla Caldwell.

Jaden Rickmann, 11, made the choice to drop this huge coyote rather than a deer while hunting in Union County on Nov. 10. They estimated this yote weighed at least 40 pounds.

Check out this beautiful red-phase (erythristic) gobbler killed by GON member Derek Jacobs, of Hazlehurst. Derek’s Jeff Davis County bird was also double-bearded.

GON member Michael Hall, of Walton County, was hunting in nearby Oconee County on Nov. 17 when he downed this buck.

After killing her first buck this season, 17-year-old Kinsey Lingerfelt, of Martin, tagged out a few days later with this Stephens County 8-pointer.