
Scrapbook – August 2016

Reader Contributed | August 1, 2016

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Sam Carter, of Lilburn, with a beautiful 42-lb. striped bass he caught at Lake Lanier on April 17.

Check out the 6-inch brow tines on this Morgan County 10-pointer. Tommy Michael, of Fayetteville, shot the buck on a food plot last Nov. 3.

David Jackson is a GON member from Georgetown, Texas currently stationed at Fort Gordon. David got his first turkey on Friday the 13th last May when this Fort Gordon gobbler couldn’t resist the sounds from his glass call.

GON subscriber Tom Smith, of Brunswick, and his son Brooks show off the Pierce County gobbler they killed April 9. It had a 10-inch beard.

Wesley Young, of McRae, shot this Wheeler County 9-point buck at 6 p.m. last Nov. 6 while hunting a food plot.

Curtis Baugh, of Tunnel Hill, was walking to his stand at 4:15 p.m. on Nov. 14 when this Elbert County 10-pointer stepped out at 100 yards.

Private land in White County produced this 9-point buck last Nov. 14 for Cole Partin, of Cleveland.

Johnny Roy, of Hampton, with a Henry County 10-point buck he killed Oct. 30 last season.

Jonathan Stevens was checking for fruit on a pear tree in his Emanuel County food plot when he almost stepped on this 5-foot, 3-inch timber rattlesnake that had 12 rattles and a button.

Brittany Payton caught this 43-lb. catfish while fishing with her proud grandpa, Carl Payton Jr., of Newnan. Brittany, 16, caught the big cat on the Chattahoochee River.

Charlie Pelt, of Jackson, killed this 142-inch 8-pointer the last Saturday of the season while hunting in Taylor County.

GON subscriber James Hansen, of Thomaston, caught and released this rock bass on May 14, 2015 while fishing Potato Creek in Upson County. The rock bass hit a Cane Thumper plastic.

Sylvester Tillman shot his best-ever buck last Dec. 5 in Thomas County. The 140-class buck showed up at 7:45 a.m.

Fayetteville’s Don Odom with his Meriwether County 10-pointer taken last Nov. 14 when the buck chased two does into a food plot at 5:45 p.m.

Robby Bailey, of Haddock, with a Jones County 9-pointer he killed last Nov. 6 when the buck followed another buck into a food plot and began feeding.

Drew Gann with a rainbow he caught on a north Georgia river. The trout was 18.5 inches and almost 4 pounds. Drew was fishing with a white Joe Fly.

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