Hunting Buddy
Kids Outdoor Outpost January 2018
Joe Schuster | January 1, 2018
My middle son recently posted this on Facebook:
“Some people go a lifetime to get that special hunting buddy. Mine calls me Son.”
Well, amen to that my son! Having three sons to hunt with has provided me with some fantastic memories.
My oldest son’s first deer was a buck that took four shots to drop (after three misses).
My middle son’s longest-distance archery buck was shot on an opening day that had temps in the 90s and a full moon.
My youngest son’s first deer was a doe he arrowed when we were hunting together.
The three stories are just the tip of the iceberg of memories I have so far with my three sons.
So, what does it take to pick the right deer hunting partner? Sometimes, you may not have that choice. You may be in a hunting club that could very well have a mix of participants and leaves you no choice in the matter. I encountered that experience with a club several years ago.
I was looking for a club that I could bring my three sons to hunt. Alcohol and drugs don’t mix with firearms. Unfortunately, once I found out that some of those types of things were going on, I chose to drop my membership quickly and move on. These sorts of instances do help point out what I believe to be a good hunting buddy. I’d like to share a variety of characteristics that I would look for in a hunting buddy.
First, I’d want to have one that is big on sharing. If only one of you takes a deer, the meat gets shared. Maybe go a step further and prepare a meal made with that deer to share with your buddy.
How about the drive to hunt camp? I sure hope that he (or she) tosses in a few bucks for gas, a couple of biscuits or drives the next time to camp.
Next, I want that buddy to be on time. When I call my buddy to hunt, I want to hear him say, “When should I be ready?” Nobody likes to be late to a hunt, if it can be helped. But we all have things that jump in to our best laid plans. If it happens occasionally, no problem. However, don’t be that guy! You should set the standard. Remember, if you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. Set your clock, and be ready to roll.
Bring extras of the important stuff; a good, working flashlight, a headlamp, knives, ropes, jerky, water. If your hunting buddy forgot something, you can step up and help them out. Just think, you could be the one who forgets something the next outing.
Always have your gear ready to go on a moment’s notice. Be the one that answers the call to help track and look for a downed deer. Again, you might be the one who needs tracking help in the future. Be the one that helps with the drag out.
The relationships that you make with your hunting buddy can last a lifetime. You may not realize it right now, but life can be stressful and at times pretty tough to deal with. Your hunting buddy may very well be the one to help you get through some rough patches in life. The bonds that you create in the field certainly can carry over to your daily life. Stay safe in the field.
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