Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – February 2023
Buck with only its head cut off found along Murray County roadside.
GON Staff | January 28, 2023

A sportsman in Murray County found a buck with its head cut off along River Road in Chatsworth. To report a poacher, call the TIPS line at 800.241.4113 or email [email protected].
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is provided from DNR LED.
Murray County: There isn’t a case on this incident—at least not yet. But a GON subscriber in Chatsworth is hoping someone gets caught.
David Hines said, “I was disappointed, downright sick to my stomach, when I saw this on the side of River Road in Chatsworth in Murray County (on Nov. 29) morning. It was near the intersection of River Road and Sumac Church Road.”
David is referring to a buck with its head cut off and a doe with only the backstraps removed.
“I don’t believe for a second this was a tagged deer,” David said. “I also believe this animal deserves more respect than to have his head chopped off with none of his meat being harvested. This is a poor excuse for a ‘hunter.’ Let’s bring some accountability to this person.
“There was also a doe laying beside the buck—she only had her backstraps cut out. The rest of her was not harvested at all.”

A doe with only the backstraps removed was also found along the side of River Road in Chatsworth.
“I did talk with a game warden last night at 8:30 p.m. I felt the need to report this unethical and downright illegal act. So I called the 1-800 number to report wildlife violations.”
David is referring to the Georgia Law Enforcement Division Ranger Hotline, also known as the TIPS line, (Turn In Poachers). It is a 24-7 program that allows anonymous tips and might provide a monetary reward for information that leads to a wildlife violator being caught.
“A poacher is a thief who steals wildlife that belongs to you and all other Georgians,” DNR says about the Ranger Hotline. “Poachers rob you of recreational opportunities that you pay for through hunting and fishing license fees. You can be paid for turning in a poacher! If your TIP leads to an arrest, arrangements will be made for you to receive reward money even if you wish to remain anonymous. If you see or learn of a violation, try to write down a description of the violator; a description of their vehicle; the location of the violation; and the type of violation.”
To report a poacher, call 800.241.4113. AT&T mobile customers can dial *DNR. You can also report an incident by emailing [email protected].
Jeff Davis County: On Sept. 17, 2020, Game Warden Cameron Dyal was working night-hunting in a field on James Anderson Road when a white F250 pickup truck passed by the field Dyal was parked in. The truck was traveling north on James Anderson road toward Highway 107. As the truck passed, Dyal observed a spotlight emit from the passenger side window of the vehicle and illuminate the field. The truck then continued to travel north on James Anderson Road. Dyal exited the field and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle bearing a Georgia plate. Upon contacting the driver (45 years old at the time, from Hazlehurst), Dyal observed a rifle and a spotlight in the center of the vehicle next to the passenger (42 years old at the time, from Hazlehurst).
Dyal issued both the driver and the passenger citations for hunting deer at night, hunting from a vehicle, and hunting from a public road.
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