

Sportsmen Honored At Capitol

Georgia lawmakers honored Georgia’s sporting heritage at the state capitol on Tuesday, January 11. Sen. Jeff Mullis (R, Chickamauga), Sen. Preston Smith (R, Rome), Lt. Gov. Mark Taylor (D, Albany) and Gov. Sonny Perdue (R, Bonaire) were among those who addressed sportsmen and representatives of more than a dozen groups that support outdoor activities, including…

Eye on the Antis – December 2004

As we mark the passing of another year, we’re happy to report that hunting is still allowed, fishing hasn’t been banned, and ground beef and milk are still for sale at the local grocery store. We can also report that HSUS and PETA and other animal-rights groups are not happy about these things, and they…

Kingsnake Devours Copperhead

Many folks, including Bruce Adams, know that snakes have a place in natureʼs web of life, but it was something he had to convince his wife of last spring when she saw a big snake up in a tree. It was a big eastern kingsnake, and it was eating baby birds out of a nest.…

DNR 2003 Proposed Budget Cuts Painful For Sportsmen

DNR Commissioner Lonice Barrett summed up the budget situation on August 19 when he told the DNR Board that meeting the latest ordered budget cuts had been like deciding “which one of your kids do you want to shoot?” With Georgiaʼs state-revenue outlook growing more dismal, Gov. Sonny Perdueʼs office issued orders to agencies in…

DNR Budget 2003: Georgia Sportsmen See Decline In Services

The people who bring you the services you pay for when you buy a hunting license or fishing license are feeling the pinch of budget tightening. The services they offer to you are being stretched, thinned, even eliminated in some cases, and budget circumstances are likely to worsen. Georgia is facing a budget crisis, and…

Fishing Delayed At Bear Creek Reservoir

Georgia anglers eager to fish for F-1 hybrid largemouths stocked into Bear Creek Reservoir in Jackson County are going to have to wait a little longer. The 550-acre water-supply lake was originally projected to open for fishing March 1, 2003. But due to security concerns spawned by the September 11 attacks, opening the lake to…

Briggs Wins Grand National Turkey Calling

They all sounded so good, but only one contestant could get his hands on that $3,000 check for first place. This year it was Benny Briggs from Harlem, as he made yelps, cackles and kee-kees sound effortless. Benny, a former winner of the World Turkey Calling Championship, won the Realtree Grand America Turkey Calling Contest.…

Georgia Closes Doors To Farm Deer

In June, 2002, Georgia DNR and the Department of Agriculture enacted an emergency rule closing Georgia’s borders to the importation of farmed, captive-bred deer and elk in an effort to prevent chronic wasting disease (CWD) from reaching this state. The emergency rule is good only for 120 days, but in that time the agencies will…

2-Year-Old Lee County Toddler Dies From Rattlesnake Bite

A 2-year-old toddler was bitten in Lee County on June 9, 2002 and died one day later.  The child was on a walk with his aunt and uncle when he was struck two or three times in the leg by an eastern diamondback rattlesnake.  While fatalities from snake bites are rare, they do happen. Please…

Feds Plan To Rid Cumberland Island Of Wild Hogs

If current proposals are carried out by the National Park Service (NPS), hunters who decide to continue traveling to Cumberland Island National Seashore in the future will be in for some big changes. Cumberland Island’s management practices are going through a review by the NPS. In particular, they are looking at how activities relate to the…

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