In late October of 2018, Manny Kaloyannides had a long way to go and a short time to get there in his quest for one of the greatest bucks to ever walk the earth in DeKalb County. In the end, Manny’s strong faith and determination, not to mention an agonizing decision that had to be…
It seems almost inevitable that at some point Georgia’s deer herd will be affected by Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). After cases in Alabama, Tennessee and North Carolina, Georgia has thus far dodged the CWD bullet, although the bullet seems to be hitting closer. A Georgia case hasn’t shown up yet, but a CWD positive…
The chance to hunt a new tract of land with great odds to take home some venison and possibly even a quality buck, or maybe get back on a dove field for the first time in a few years, or even a waterfowl hunt where mallards are a real possibility… these experiences are available to…
Round 2 of the 2023 GON Coyote Cull is off and rolling as hunters and trappers step up to the plate to kill song dogs in an effort to save fawns and turkey poults. Listed below are all the entries of those who have found success and taken a photo with their June 2023 issue…
Georgia has plenty of WMAs spread across the state that boast diversity in their habitats. There are numerous WMAs in the state that have abundant game and non-game wildlife species. There are several that boast endangered and threatened non-game species. Many WMAs in the state are made possible by a combination of partners. The state’s…
Another group of Georgia deer hunters will soon take the stage at the Ag-Pro Outdoor Blast on July 30 to compete in the 34th annual Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. The second-best shot will win a Firminator G-3, and the man, woman or youngster who makes that last shot will win a new truck from John Megel Chevy.…
When 15-year-old Wyatt Coleman downed a Harris County buck the third week of the 2022 season, he was hoping a little luck was on his side. Little did he know… The gross 124-inch whitetail, which netted 117, turned out to be big enough. Big enough, that is, to earn Wyatt a spot in the Georgia…
I was asked by several people to follow up the diamondback rattlesnake article from last year with one on timber rattlesnakes. Timber rattlesnakes have a much larger range in Georgia than diamondbacks. They can be found in the creek and river bottoms of southern Georgia where they are often called canebrakes, and along the rock-lined…
As one of the most popular fighters in the UFC—the major leagues of mixed martial arts competitions —Cody Durden is no stranger to rushes of adrenaline and heart-pumping action. The Newton County native says he never imagined he would experience the same reactions to killing his first turkey. His first gobbler wasn’t just any turkey,…
Round 1 of the 2023 GON Coyote Cull is off and rolling as hunters and trappers step up to the plate to kill song dogs in an effort to save fawns and turkey poults. Listed below are all the entries of those who have found success and taken a photo with their May 2023 issue…