

Finding Memories

The drift of smoke from a chimney somewhere distant instantly grabbed my attention and caused my mind to rewind to years a long time ago. It reminded me of my boyhood as I walked this very logging road I was now on, but I was a kid then, likely still shy of my teens, and…

Woods-N-Water’s Trophy Boars

It’s dark now. DARK dark. Like a bear down a well. Without a flashlight. The sun went down hours ago on this second January Tuesday. Turbid clouds are rolling ominously overhead, fleeing a tornado-spawning system headed my way. The wind moans and, at times, howls. Limbs click, clatter and thump to the ground. The ground…

2023-2024 Quick Guide To Georgia Hunting Season Dates

See the 2024-2025 Quick Guide To Georgia Hunting Season Dates Here is a quick reference to the 2023-2024 Georgia hunting seasons. There are rather significant changes for Georgia deer hunters with the upcoming 2023-2024 season, particularly when it comes to either-sex days. As always, make sure to check the regulations before you pull the trigger…

Upside Down Weirdness From The Taylor County Deer Woods

Jeff Phillips, of Cumming,  had a weird occurrence happen to him on his 350-acre hunting club in Taylor County during the 2013-14 hunting season. “It was in November, and I was down for a rut hunt,” said Jeff. “That morning I killed an 8-point that we had 100 pictures of, and I got him to…

GTA Youth Field Trials Host A Record 43 Kids Over Christmas Break

The Georgia Trappers Association (GTA) hosted their ninth-annual Youth Field Trials event Dec. 30 to Jan. 1. This year’s gathering hosted a record 43 kids between the ages of seven and mid-teen. Kids and their parents were paired up with experienced trappers and spent two days on private properties learning to trap. Trap lines were…

Turkey Shotgun Patterning Data

I missed the first turkey I ever shot at. It was 1995, and it would be another eight years before I killed my first one. Turkeys are merciless teachers. I’d come home and complain to my wife and tell her I was quitting and was going to sell my gun. She’d just laugh and ask…

Trapping With A State Champion

As I watched Annabel Wilson walk up and down a woods road that led into a Jefferson County cut corn field, I knew exactly where I would put a dirt-hole set. “That little tuft of grass right there,” I whispered to Mike Wilson, Annabel’s dad. A minute later, the confident 20-year-old wildlife student at Abraham…

A Tale Of Two Bucks

That morning I had hunted a ladder stand nearby on private property. I got down around 11 a.m. and decided to do some scouting of a nearby creek bottom on the corps land. I crossed onto the corps and made my way down the ridge to the creek bottom. As soon as I got the creek…

Georgia DNR Expands Focus On Accessible Opportunities

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) continues to expand its focus on developing accessible opportunities. On Jan. 9, 2024 the agency hosted its third adaptive hunt since the program launched in 2021. Five hunters along with their a hunting partners were paired with guides for the agency’s two-day Hunt and Learn experience on private…

Hunting Angels

A hunting angel. Do you have one? You may and never realize that you do. A hunting angel is that special person from your past who you talk to when you are in your deer stand. Or perhaps you are on the lake, and you aren’t sure which color topwater you should be using, so…

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