

The Fab 40: Georgia’s Best Bucks Of The 2015-2016 Deer Season

Georgia is due… this could be the year for a magical season. Calm down UGA football fans. We’re talking about the potential for a stellar Georgia deer season that produces lots of big, high-scoring bucks. So why the optimism? Here’s the theory. This could be an exceptional season for big Georgia bucks because we’ve had…

Crockett Creek Confessions And The Quest For The Phantom

The members of Crockett Creek Trophy Club were optimistically approaching another hunting season on their club, located in famous Dooly County. Nestled between Crockett Creek and the Flint River, the land consisted of 1,000 acres of the most intensely managed property in the entire state of Georgia. Through years of hard work, sweat equity and…

Big Bucks On Small Food Plots

  I am sure that many of you have heard the old saying, “If you want to harvest a trophy buck, you must go where trophy bucks are located.” In more than 40 years of pursuing and harvesting trophy-class bucks, I have found this to be very true. On a national level, that is why…

Great Success With State Park Deer Hunts

  How would you like the chance to hunt 6,000 acres in Morgan County that is only hunted two days a year? You would be hunting property that has an estimated deer population of 70 deer per square mile and has hunter-success rates of 50 to 80 percent. You can harvest two deer of either…

Mentor Program Creating Conservation Kids

  In 2008, Beau Turner created the Beau Turner Youth Conservation Center (BTYCC) in north Florida for young people to have a place to go and discover and enjoy the outdoors. The center hosts several programs throughout the year that allow kids to learn about northern Florida, wildlife management and renewable energy sources. They are…

Archery Paradise Found At Morgan Lake WMA

Pap! Up in the thick canopy of the late summer’s oak leaves, I could see the ol gray chatterbox’s flared tail cork-screwing. Perfect shot! Two seconds later, the ever familiar thud on the forest floor. Squirrel No. 12. Time for the second stage of my hunt—piney rooters. Beached on a small cut in the old…

First Deer Magic

Nicole Holland As a little girl, I looked forward to each hunting season. It was a joyous occasion for me to watch my dad and younger brother drive away for the weekend because I knew I would have girl time with Mama. I treasured each hunting season, and as the years passed by and I…

How The Weeks Were Won: Truck-Buck 2015-2016 Season

Another Georgia deer hunter will soon drive away from the Outdoor Blast in a new pickup truck as the grand prize winner in GON’s Truck-Buck Shoot-Out. We met the first half of the prestigious 2016 Shoot-Out field last month in the June issue of GON. This month we meet the winners from Weeks 9-17, plus…

GON’s Third Annual Coyote Cull

For the third summer, GON’s Coyote Cull effort has provided incentive for hunters and trappers to get after coyotes during the fawning and turkey nesting seasons. The generous support of Coyote Cull sponsors combined with some elbow grease from GON staffers again brought awareness to the damaging impact this non-native, invasive species is having across…

Snakes Alive! Range And ID For Venomous Snakes In Georgia

It’s June, which means snakes are on the prowl. As hunters, we seem to find more and more excuses to stay in the woods these days. From checking trail cameras, preparing dove fields or hunting coyotes, many of us find ourselves in a situation where we could encounter a venomous snake. To find out more…

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