Regardless of the weather, turkeys will do their springtime rituals, and you can bet turkey hunters will be hunting them hard. As usual, GON has received lots of pictures, and in this month’s coverage we focused on showing off the kids. Look for more turkey pics in upcoming issues of GON. Here are the opening-weekend…
When I started hunting turkeys, I was under the impression that jake turkeys were a meek-and-mild bunch. I assumed they slipped along in the cool shadows of the spring woods not really wanting to be noticed, especially by a dominant gobbler. I was just two days into my second season of turkey hunting when I…
Thirty yards ahead of me in the pitch black of a moonless March night stood Josh Watts, of Clarkesville, and his lifelong buddy Kyle Rogers, of Cleveland. They were standing in a massive, freshly planted Lee County cornfield, and they were hog hunting. Before them were three pods of hogs numbering 12 to 25 head…
The hunt was approaching the 10-hour mark, and I hadn’t heard a gobble since 7 that morning. I was tired and began to wonder how much longer I could stand it. Yet, I maintained my focus and fully believed a gobbler would still show up in the roadbed in front of me that was a…
Each spring, GON likes to inspire hunters who can’t wait for the upcoming turkey season—as if we need any additional teasing—by looking back at exceptional Georgia gobblers that have made the record books. Some fantastic birds were taken last year that re-wrote the Georgia records, but it was a 2014 southeast Georgia bird finally certified…
By the time the season was winding down last year, I found myself wondering not how many birds had died over the course of the Georgia season, but rather how many had survived it. According to WRD, I, along with 52,406 other turkey hunters hit the woods last spring, and 26,000 turkeys ending up leaving…
On the night of April 10, 2014, I fell asleep dreaming of my hunt planned for the following morning. The day before I had just killed my first double-bearded gobbler, and I was planning to return to the same area to call for the other gobbler I knew was still there. The morning came early…
I have been fussed at by more than one or two clients over the years because of my tendency to walk too fast or too far in the turkey woods. However, there are times when a quicker pace or a longer walk is needed to reach the goal of getting a turkey to ride home…
“Brock! Get up! It’s time to get ready,” said my dad. It was March 22, 2014, and I was just getting up to go turkey hunting. I put my clothes on and stood by the heater for a little bit before going to the cabin to get an early morning glass of milk. We run…
I’m not real sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way, early in my turkey hunting days, I made the mistake of believing that I could make a turkey do something he didn’t want to do. I even took that a little further and convinced myself that I could make him do it when…