

Duncan Dobie’s New Book Looks At Deer Hunting From Yesteryear

When it comes to my lifelong passion for whitetail hunting, I’ve always been drawn to old stuff: old photos, old deer rifles and old stories from yesteryear. I’ve been collecting vintage black-and-white deer hunting photos for many years, and Dawn of American Deer Hunting, published in November 2015, is the result of that interest.  …

Crockett Creek Confessions, Quest For The Phantom Part 3

October – The Chess Match Like a villain in the night, the stalker drew closer. “IT” was hungry, and the heavy cloud cover provided perfect concealment, blocking the full moon from shining through to the dark creek bottom. With the exception of the sound of the creek’s steady flow, the bottom was deafly quiet. The…

More Arrow Weight Matters On Modern Bows

More weight on your arrows is a good thing. Believe me? If you don’t believe me, take a look at some testing done by Kris Wall that’s included here. First, let me give you an example. It was the first week of November last season. I was watching the weather report, and I was also…

5 Tips For Beginning Bowhunters

Bowhunting is a challenging sport. It’s more of an art than a science, and eventually every hunter develops a style that maximizes their success and fun with the sport. However, if you apply some fundamentals, you will be well on your way to killing a deer with archery equipment. Here are my Top 5 tips…

Learn To Catch Coyotes

For a time, it seemed like trapping was becoming a lost art. Georgia Trappers Association is a non-profit organization that has been keeping trapping alive over the years, and now GTA is helping get more and more people into trapping as coyote problems take a bite out of wildlife across the state. The 35th annual…

Bowhunting 101: Boys With Bows… And Arrows

I have recently experienced a curious phenomenon. Since I have retired, my wife is getting more and more supportive of my outdoor sports activities. With each passing week, she encourages me to go fishing, hunting, camping, etc. at every opportunity. I thought maybe it was just my imagination, so, just testing, I said one day,…

The Hunt For Charlie

Lee Ellis is no stranger to big deer, so when he got a trail-cam pic in 2012 of a 3-year-old buck that would easily clear 145, he got excited. Even then, the deer had tremendous brow tines, and thus the name Charlie Brows—a take-off of Charlie Brown—was given to this buck.  Little did Lee know…

Crockett Creek Confessions, Quest For The Phantom Part 2

September — The Transition Eighteen-year-old Tyler James climbed the 12-foot wooden ladder stand that was positioned between the open hardwoods and the 20-year-old pines. It was opening day of bow season. Tyler anxiously watched and waited for a deer to make its way through the cut fence that he’d created back in July. All intentions…

GHFF Fox Hunt Raises Money For Sportsmen’s Rights

The Georgia Hunting and Fishing Federation (GHFF) held its sixth-annual benefit hunt Aug. 5-6 at the United Fox Pen in Swainsboro. Over the past three years, this hunt has grown tremendously. This year the GHFF hosted its largest hunt yet, with 180 dogs. Without Ronnie McMillan, pen owner, and his two assistants, Larry Bundrum and…

Clinch County Gator Taken On Foot

Henderson Wright, of Dalton, had the hunt of his life last September while hunting in Clinch County. Henderson had been trying for five years to draw a alligator tag in Zone 6. Once he got a tag, it was time to set up his rig to catch one of these gators. He opted for a heavy duty…

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