

Small Lake Profile: Great Fishing At Lake Meriwether

As fishermen, we love to discover wonderful new honey holes where the fishing is outstanding. Having said that, the 144-acre Lake Meriwether in west-central Georgia near Woodbury should be on your must visit list for 2016. Lake Meriwether is the drinking water impoundment for Woodbury, thus only electric trolling motors can be used, but you…

A Complete Guide To Fishing For Fannin County Trout

Along its length, the Toccoa River and its tributaries contribute largely to technical, yet traditional, trout fishing in Georgia. For more than 10 miles, it tumbles around the high ridges of national forest land in Union and Fannin counties, where it collects its frosty breath that supports wild rainbow, brown and brook trout. Twenty miles…

Oostanaula River Record Striped Bass

Phillip Lanier, of Calhoun, broke the Oostanaula River striped bass record on April 3, 2016. Like many lake and river records that are set these days, Phillip weighed the fish alive on certified scales and released the fish. Phillip returned to the Oostanaula River, and the 36-lb., 3-oz. fish swam away with no problem. The…

Lake Weiss Great For Spring Crappie

Crappie fishermen know they are headed to the right lake when they get near Weiss and start seeing signs proclaiming it is the “Crappie Fishing Capital of the World.” Those signs on the roads leading to Centre, Alabama give you an idea of the importance of crappie fishing in the area. Weiss is on the…

St. Marys Redfish On The Jetties

It happens each year. Fish move with the seasons. Sometimes it’s a move to spawn; sometimes it’s a move to warmer or cooler water; sometimes it’s a move with the tidal currents. But the irrefutable fact is that they do move. That’s a handy piece of information to have when you are fishing a particular…

52-lb. Gar on Crappie Tackle!

A Cordele man recently caught a longnose gar from the Flint River that would have eclipsed the sportfishing world record, had it been weighed on certified scales. The 5-foot, 7 1/4-inch long fish was caught by Jerry Pheil of Cordele. Jerry said that on the morning of February 25 he was fishing in the Flint…

Savannah River Record Redbreast

Robert Attaway caught a 12.8-oz. redbreast on March 31, 2016 while fishing the Savannah River to the set the river-record benchmark. If you catch a potential lake or river record fish, have the fish weighed on certified scales and contact GON at 800.438.4663.

Savannah River Record Bluegill

Robert Attaway caught a 1-lb., 1.6-oz. bluegill on the Savannah River on March 31, 2016 that set a benchmark river record for the Savannah River stretch from the Clarks Hill tailrace to the coast.

Clarks Hill Bass Staged Prespawn And Postspawn

March weather is fickle, and fishing can be set back with a single front. Now, with April finally here, things have settled down, and the fishing is wide open. Bass are feeding and spawning, and they are as easy to catch right now as any time of the year. Clarks Hill is just about the…

Catch West Point Bass Moving In And Out

April bass fishing is what we have been dreaming of all winter. Make your dreams come true with a trip to West Point this month. West Point is a 25,900-acre U.S. Army Corps of Engineers reservoir on the Alabama/Georgia line. It has a lot of good spawning pockets off the Chattahoochee River and major feeder…

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