Robert Attaway set a mark to beat with the current warmouth record for the Altamaha River. Robert’s warmouth was certified at 1-lb., 0.9-oz.. He caught the big warmouth bream on May 20, 2016.
Mention the word hydrilla to a farm pond fisherman, and you’re apt to be rewarded with a look of total disgust. And likely the only folks who detest this pond-blanketing weed more than pond fishermen are WRD Fisheries biologists. When WRD undertook the transformation of the aging three-lake chain at Evans County Public Fishing Area,…
There’s an old saying, usually attributed to Confucius, which goes something like, “Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you’ve fed him for a lifetime.” There’s an important life lesson in that simple statement, but sometimes it can be hard to walk the talk and put…
Saltwater fishing and writing about saltwater fishing for GON can be challenging. We try to fish immediately prior to the current month’s issue to show you where and how to catch a particular species of fish. In the freshwater world, bass, as an example, will always be present in a lake or reservoir. In saltwater,…
As we cranked up the Yamaha 225, we started off across the lake just as the sun was peaking over the horizon. It was a cold, crisp morning, and the wind was just beginning to kick up. The sound of geese honking and other waterfowl filled the air with what was an otherwise quiet morning.…
Lake Sinclair has proven again that the middle Georgia reservoir on the Oconee River is home to some giant catfish. Brian Fitts, of Douglasville, landed a new lake record blue catfish on May 2 while fishing Sinclair with guide Paul Gourley, who has been a friend of Brian’s for 35 years. Brian and three of his friends got…
A great recipe for bass fishing would be to start with Clarks Hill, add in the month of May, stir in blueback herring, and you have action that is hard to beat. Clarks Hill has always been a spring favorite of bass fishermen, and the introduction and expansion of blueback herring has made the May…
May is a great time to be a bass fisherman. The topwater bite is great, and there is no more exciting way to catch bass than to watch fish explode on surface lures. While topwater is fun, you can catch bass just about any way you want to fish. If you want to get away…
Richard S. Morris Jr. caught a 14-oz. river-record warmouth on the Savannah River on April 22, 2016.
When GON asked me about doing a bass fishing story on a young man named Garrett Guinan, a junior at Lassiter High School and an aspiring professional tournament angler, I was excited to spend a day on Allatoona learning from a young Millennial. Garrett has been fishing with his dad since he was a young…