
Fishing Reports

Lake Chatuge Fishing Report – May 2006

Chatuge: Level: 2.0 feet below full pool. Temp: 68-70 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Good. Guide Nathan Lewis was on the lake the last week of April and caught 14 fish including fat 4- and a 3-lb. spotted bass. The fish are hitting Shad Raps, spinnerbaits and either a Bill Norman’s Middle N or Deep Baby…

Carters Lake Fishing Report – May 2006

Carters: Level: .5 feet below full pool. Temp: 65-68 with some 70-degree water late in the day. Clarity: Stained upriver, relatively clear on the main lake. Bass: Buddy Callahan of Bart’s Bait & Tackle said, “as predicted, the bass fishing is strong right now.” Buddy says anglers are catching lots of bass, with a significant…

Lake Burton Fishing Report – May 2006

Burton: Level: At full pool. Temp: 70 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Fair. A tournament April 22 was reportedly won with a 14-lb. limit. The topwater bite has not begun yet on Burton, but as the bass come off the bed expect topwater activity to pick up on main-lake points and humps. A Sammy is a…

Lake Blue Ridge Fishing Report – May 2006

Blue Ridge: Level: 12.7 feet below full pool. Temp: 70 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Blue Ridge guide Nathan Lewis said he was catching fish a number of ways on Blue Ridge on April 24. “I caught a 2 1/2-lb. smallmouth on a Pop-R just after daylight,” he said. “We have caught some on Shad Raps,…

Bartletts Ferry Fishing Report – May 2006

Bartletts Ferry: Level: Full pool. Temp: Upper 70s to low 80s. Clarity: Stained in the upper end, clear on the lower end. Bass: It’s hard to get a big bite right now, but you can catch plenty of smaller bass this month. David Lowery says to start fishing all the way back in pockets and…

Lake Blackshear Fishing Report – May 2006

Blackshear: Level: Full pool. Temp: 75 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: On, then off. The Blackshear Buddies tournament April 8 was won with a 21-lb. sack caught by Homer Roach and Norman Bass. The fish were reportedly caught on buzzbaits worked over grassbeds. The night’s catch included a 11-lb., 7.84-oz. largemouth caught by Scott Holland that…

Lake Jackson Fishing Report – April 2006

Jackson: Level: Down one foot. Temp: Mid 50s but expect it to jump back into the 60s in just a few days. Clarity: Light stain. Bass: Great. “I love to catch them sight fishing on Jackson in April,” said Mike Meason. “When the full moon comes around this month, they’re going to go on bed.”…

Lake Hartwell Fishing Report – April 2006

Hartwell: Level: 1.1 feet below full pool. Temp: Upper 50 degrees, some warmer water back in stained creeks. Clarity: clear. Bass: Good. According to fishing guide Mark Waller, it took 23 pounds to win the Fishin’ Hole tournament on March 26. “Josh Fowler won it,” said Mark. “The story was that he was throwing a…

Lake Lanier Fishing Report – April 2006

Lanier: Level: 1.4 feet below full pool. Temps: 54-55 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: The cold snap last weekend dropped the water temperatures about four degrees. “Before the front, I saw a few small buck bass up fanning, but they pulled back out in the pockets,” said tournament angler Billy Boothe. “But the spotted bass haven’t…

Lake Nottely Fishing Report – April 2006

Nottely: Level: 12.8 feet below full pool. Temp: Upper 40 degrees. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Just okay, and it’ll get better when the weather warms. John Hembree said over the last month he and his brother have been on the lake several times, and their worst trip was about 20 fish; their best trip about 40…

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