Fishing Reports
Jackson: Level: Full pool. Temp: Mid to high 40s. Clarity: Very light stain. Bass: Fair. “Fishing is hit and miss right now due to the cold weather we have had here lately,” said Eric Perkins. “I fished Saturday (Feb. 21), and the water was very cold. I am concentrating on offshore places right now —…
Hartwell: Level: 14.3 feet below full pool. Temp: Upper 40s. Clarity: Clear. Bass: Good. Josh Fowler reports, “It’s taking 16 to 20 pounds to win a tournament up here, and I expect these weights to hold up as we move along. The key to catching the bigger weights is to be in the right ditch…
Eufaula: Level: 0.9 feet above full pool. Temp: 49-51 degrees. Clarity: Ranging from clear to stained. Bass: Guide Capt. Sam Williams reports: “Bass fishing has been productive, but slow. When the sun is up, the hydrilla and weed lines hold bait and bass. The cover acts as an incubator and draws fish. The deeper-water ledges…
Clarks Hill: Level: 14.6 feet below full pool. Temp: Low 50s. Clarity: Stained in the upper reaches and backs of creeks, while clear for the most part on the lower end. Bass: Dale Gibbs reports, “March is finally upon us, and the move to spawn will be happening later this month, hopefully. The surface temp…
Chatuge: Level: 8.2 feet below full pool. Temp: Low 40s. Clarity: Slight stain. Bass: Fair. In late February, John Hembry was still waiting on some warmer nights to pull the fish up. He said the best bite is still for big spotted bass on wind-blown, main-lake points in 15 to 25 feet of water. When…
Carters: Level: 2.5 feet above full pool. Temp: 42-48 degrees. Clarity: Clear to slightly stained. Bass: Good, but many fish are suspended. Guide Mike Bucca reports, “I am strictly throwing the Float N Fly. There are a lot of quality fish being caught at Carters right now. Try the main-lake points around Doll Mountain and…
Burton: Level: 0.8 feet below full pool. Temp: Mid to high 40s. Clarity: Clear to slight stain. Bass: Anthony Rabern reports: “The abnormally cold water temperatures going into March will keep the spotted bass and trout bite a little more sluggish than normal for this time of year. Trolling live bait on warm afternoons around…
Blue Ridge: Level: 14.1 feet below full pool. Temp: 46-49 degrees. Clarity: Clear on main lake; slight stain up the creeks and up the river. Bass: It’s good and getting better, said guide Nathan Lewis. The smallmouths and spots are in between stages right right now, and you can catch them on the banks as…
Blackshear: Level: Full pool. Temp: 56-59 degrees. Clarity: Clear on the main lake; just a tinge of stain in the backs of some of the sloughs. Bass: Ernie Broughton said the fish have moved up, and it took 17 pounds to win his most recent tournament. The big fish weighed 6-lbs., 13-ozs. “They’re definitely moving…