Each month we turn back the clock to see what was being reported in the pages of GON, both 20 and 10 years ago. Here’s a look back at what appeared in GON. 20 Years Ago: October 1995 “I Fell 30 Feet Out Of A Pine Tree”: John Stanley has been freelance writing for GON…
Hunting Reg Answers Last month we asked some true/false questions on our 2015-2016 Hunting Seasons and Regulations. Let’s see how you did. 1. Starting in 2016, turkey hunters are required to carry a harvest log and report their harvest. True. 2. Deer season ends on different dates for the Northern Zone and the Southern Zone.…
There seemed to be more talk this year about folks going dove hunting. In addition, there seemed to be more of a buzz from GON subscribers taking their youngsters to a dove field. Many of them had kids too small to shoot, but they took them to the field anyway, which I feel is fantastic.…
Send your pics to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650. Include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Digital photos and caption info can be e-mailed to [email protected].
By Sam Klement “Dad,” Cannon whispered. “What is it?” I asked. “That buck fever is coming on me again,” he said. About that time, the stand started to shake like an earthquake was just moments from happening. “Try to control it, son. The does are looking at us,” I said. With a deep breath of cold…
Never Before Has There Been A Fishing Rig Like The A-Rig Dear GON, I fished the BFL wildcard at Kentucky Lake this past week for a chance to make the BFL All-American and a chance at $100,000. I needed to finish in the top 6 but barely missed it, finishing No. 10 with…
Word on the street is the judicial system in Colquitt County is tough on poachers. Colquitt County Judge Richard Kent is known for handing down stiff sentences to game-law violators. “We’ve got a real good judge in Colquitt County,” said DNR Law Enforcement Cpl. Tommy Daughtrey. “He loves to hunt and fish. He backs us 100…
Thomas Paine sat on Dec. 23, 1776, wrapped in a Pennsylvania winter as cold and white as any could remember, and with these words began his essay, titled “The Crisis”… “These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their…
Each month we turn back the clock to see what was being reported in the pages of GON, both 20 and 10 years ago. Here’s what was happening. 20 Years Ago: December 1991 • 256 Dead Hogs At Beaverdam!: Twenty years ago hogs weren’t as common as they are today, but Beaverdam WMA had plenty…
Last month we covered the basic rules of deer camp. The deer camp is the rallying point for the hunter. Whether you got “skunked” that morning, took a shot and missed the buck of a lifetime or actually put one down, you can sit around a warm fire and tell your story to your fellow…