

Days GON By – October 2017

Each month we turn back the clock to see what was being reported in the pages of GON, 30, 20 and 10 years ago. Here’s a look back at what appeared in GON. 30 Years Ago: October 1987 Deer Hunting in 1957: GON took a look back at the state of deer and deer hunting…

The Dark Side

I am an old man. When I look back to my days as a younger man, I am appalled at how stupid I was. I’m surprised I could dress myself. I actually used to fish at night! It was as if I occasionally took temporary leave of my mental faculties. I never hunted at night.…

Back Of The Boat

There are better things to do in a boat than undergoing surgery. Especially at the hands of a shaky semi-lunatic who can’t SPELL surgery. And whose eyes are just before rolling back up into his noggin at the sight of blood trickling down my neck. Or maybe it’s the three sets of treble hooks he’ll…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner March 2017

This column is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators.   It would be interesting to know how much of the night-hunting activity that goes on along Georgia’s rural roads is done by teenagers.…

Spy-Cam March 2017

Email your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.  

Realtree Outdoor Kids March 2017

See your favorite Outdoor Kid in an upcoming on GON magazine! Send image and caption details to [email protected]. Please include name, age, hometown, and details about the fish or critter.  

First Things First

For purposes of establishing my bona fides, be advised that I’ve known Len Sams since he was Lenny Sams. Just how far back that was is approximately none of your business, but rocks HAD been invented at the time. Len is a taxidermist and has been for the past couple hundred years. Or at least…

Editorial-Opinion March 2017

Happy birthday to GON. Before I get into what I want to say this month, I wanted to let you know that with this issue, GON turns 30 years old. The first issue we ever published was in the middle of March, 1987. The cover story was about a large crappie tournament that was held…

3 Bow Deer In 30 Minutes

Some hunters will stay at home on a windy day, believing that deer don’t move much. I was recently convinced otherwise. My sons came home over the holidays, and two of them, Jackson and Jared, are currently in the U.S. Army. They love to bowhunt, and I looked forward to hunting with them. It was…

Days GON By February 2017

Each month we turn back the clock to see what was being reported in the pages of GON, both 20 and 10 years ago. Here’s a look back at what appeared in GON. 20 Years Ago: February 1997 State Makes No Move To Close December Break: Twenty deer seasons ago, Northern Zone deer hunters had…

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