

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – May 2020

In Georgia, Boating Under the Influence (BUI) of drugs or alcohol is a crime. The state has stiff penalties for a person operating a boat if his or her blood-alcohol content is 0.08 or higher—the same limit for driving on the state’s roadways. BUI is often the cause of serious boating accidents, and officers are…

Sense And Sensitivity

Deer ain’t got no sense. Don’t look so stunned; sure, it’s unusual to be slammed with such a profound statement right out of the gate. But we’ll get past it. Hang in there. And if you just flipped back to the magazine cover to check, yes, this is May and not October. Tough, ain’t it?…

Letters To The Editor – April 2020

Coronavirus Confinement Helping My 2020-21 Deer Season Dear GON, With a bunch of unexpected down time at home, my thoughts turned to using this opportunity to go over my hunting gear and make improvements to be ready for when next deer season comes. I got out my guns and cleaned, repaired and made a few…

Take A Friend Fishing

Hmmmm… Although you’ve never laid eyes on the guy, you can learn a lot about a prospective life-long fishing buddy/boon companion with a single glance. First impressions, you know. Just take a quick look AT his boat, then IN his boat. Rightchere, he’s pretty well already sized up as keeper or cull. Pretty well. I’m…

Turkey Buffet

Well, we’re wide open with turkey season. Have you bagged your gobbler yet? I have several friends who immediately turn their thoughts and energy to turkeys once deer season ends. Much has been written about the habits of these spring birds, particularly how to call them to the gun. Last month, we covered some of…

Realtree Kids – April 2020

Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor kid. Email image and caption details (name, hometown, age, and county where critter or fish was taken) to [email protected].                                        

Scrapbook – April 2020

Send photographs to [email protected] or 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650. Include name, subscriber number, hometown, county and date.     Jackie Burdette, of Covington, killed these two Franklin County coyotes on Jan. 31. “Predator hunting has become an exciting pastime, while helping the farmers who lease our property from the loss of the…

Spy Cam – April 2020

Email your pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Print images can be mailed to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650.       Just A Flesh Wound: GON member Steve Hargett, of…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner – April 2020

Carroll County: One of the most frustrating aspects of owning or leasing property is when people don’t respect the property lines. It’s not an uncommon complaint for DNR Law Enforcement Division to hear about trespassing issues, but it’s not always easy to catch a violator in the act. Modern technology helps, and technology was put…

Losing It In 2020!

Look down. See that belly? Thought so. It’s been two months now since you were wrangled into the 2020 diet. That’s the current year, and not the current diet; just so you ain’t more confused now than when you started reading. Oh, there will probably BE a 2020 Diet afore December rolls around. After all,…

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