

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner September 2020

Chatham County: As we’ve seen on the news recently, the duties of DNR Law Enforcement rangers can vary greatly, as can the various agencies officers work with. An example occurred May 27, 2017 when DNR teamed with NOAA officers in what are called Dockside JEA (Joint Enforcement Agreement) patrols. Cpl. Barry Britt and Cpl. Jay…

Got Any SUV Parts?

In case y’all ain’t noticed, hunting seasons is HERE! (‘Scuse me; I get a little carried away after bouncing off walls throughout August awaiting the dipping and darting birds of September. And October? I’ll have to swaller my heart medication if thoughts of horns make their way into my noggin.) When you’ve spent a summer…

Spy-Cam August 2020

Send photographs to [email protected] or 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650. Include name, subscriber number, hometown, county and date, and please include some interesting details for a caption.          

This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land

With the last pops of Fourth of July fireworks, my thoughts turn to the upcoming deer season. As a bowhunter, I usually spend time in the summer heat slinging arrows at a variety of targets and distances. That’s one of the biggest keys to bowhunting. Practice, practice, practice. However, this year will be slightly different.…

Conservation Law Enforcement Corner August 2020

Ware County: On the night of Thursday, Jan. 1, 2020, Game Warden Luke Rabun and Game Warden First Class Sam Williams were observing an area off of Old Nichols Road in Ware County known for a high amount of night deer hunting activity. At approximately 9:30 that night both wardens heard the sound of a…

Letters To The Editor August 2020

Hunt Near A Deer Club Member Leads To Practical Jokes Dear GON, The other day I was headed home and a deer ran across the road, and I got to thinking. What were some memorable things that happened or that I caused to happen back over a long career in the deer woods? I won’t…

Realtree Kids Scrapbook August 2020

Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor kid. Email image and caption details (name, hometown, age, and county where critter or fish was taken) to [email protected].                

Tournament Reports August 2020

The Morgan County High School bass fishing team of Cole Holloway and Ryan Thomas recently placed second in the TBF Student Angler Federation High School Fishing World Finals on the Mississippi River in La Crosse, Wisconsin. As a result, the team was offered a combined $266,000 in scholarship funds from three different colleges. “It feels…

Downwind Of Jake

Lazing in a dove field on a sultry September afternoon, it’s fairly amazing what one can learn… about deer hunting. For instance, I well recall the exact moment when the upwind/downwind conundrum resolved itself within my brainbox. Eureka! See, at the time we didn’t have no deer; I’d never even seen a whitetail in the…

Scrapbook – August 2020

Send photographs to [email protected]. Include name, subscriber number, hometown, county and date, and please include some interesting details for a caption.                                        

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