Dodge County: At approximately 2300 hours (11 p.m.) on Sept. 27, 2019, Cpl. Dan Stiles and Game Warden Austin Biggers were set up on a night hunting detail in a known night hunting area off of Pete Sapp Road in Dodge County. The officers were positioned on the edge of a wood line adjacent to…
Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor kid. Email image and caption details (name, hometown, age, and county where critter or fish was taken) to [email protected].
Georgia has one of the longest running deer seasons in the country. This allows us to enjoy more neat things in the woods. On one December hunt, I enjoyed watching a red-tailed hawk swoop down to nab its meal, a large raccoon waddle down a tree and down a trail, a doe with two fawns…
Me and my deddy went hunting at this place that his friend let us hunt. We sat down in our hunting blind. We sat there for a long time, and it was almost dark. We saw many does and yearlings, then my deddy said there was a big buck. I got behind my rifle.…
By Mike Sumner Imagine for a moment that you have never been deer hunting, but it was on your bucket list. Imagine that on your first hunt you go to the woods with a borrowed gun, armed with the knowledge that comes from a few weekends on the range with a seasoned hunter and fellow…
Email your trail-cam pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption. Print images can be mailed to GON Spy-Cam, 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650.
Be in GON! Send photographs to [email protected]. Include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and any other details that GON readers might find interesting.
Mail Carriers Who Like To Hunt & Fish Also Like GON Dear GON, While sitting here eating my first of many Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes, I noticed my letter carrier coming down the road. Nothing unusual, as it’s time for the mail to run. Then he pulled into the driveway. Still nothing unusual. The…
Some of my finest tale-telling ideas come from the deer woods. Mostly while hanging on the side of a tree in a 30-year-old climber. Not that all these strictly factual and totally straight-up narratives involve deer, however. For instance, there’s one critter that I’ve long had a love-hate relationship with. Squirrels hate me; because I…
Send photographs to [email protected] or mail to 4331 Seven Islands Road, Madison, GA 30650. Please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details.