If you’re looking for an opportunity to take a kid on a deer hunt this fall, 30-30 Ministries is offering up a number of options. The non-profit organization recently released their fall hunting schedule, and a few more hunts will likely be added in the coming weeks. A few things to know about 30-30 Ministries’…
Hunting Regulation Changes And so it begins. Another fall hunting season is at our front door. It’s always a time when the majority of our hunters are primed and ready to go at it. Small game, dove and big game seasons are kicking off, and with it, close to 300,000 hunters will be spending time…
The time-honored tradition of giving and taking advice is all but lost these days. Mostly, it seems, because everybody already knows everything. Pity. It’s also possible that they may be surrounded by a host of would-be advisers who collectively are dumber than a cracked rock. (As I look around me in this convenience store, everybody…
I’ve Got A Few Jim Bland Stories Of My Own Dear GON, I enjoyed Duncan Dobie’s article in the July issue about Mr. Jim Bland. When I saw the picture on the cover, I thought that the kid looked like Jim Bland, and sure enough it was him. I’ve known Jim and his sons since…
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. The following account is from the official incident report, which is public record. Laurens County: According to DNR Law Enforcement, on Dec.…
The married couple decided now was the time, and this was the place. They were finally buying that 50-acre parcel with the big creek and swamp. It had everything—hardwoods, swamp, thickets, long ridges and openings for food plots. They had found a great deal and worked through the land lender in their county. The closing…
See your favorite sportsman or woman — or see yourself — in an upcoming issue of GON magazine! Send photographs to [email protected] and please include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details on your Georgia catch or harvest.
Email your trail-cam pictures to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.
Wild Hogs Should Be Public Enemy No. 1 On Wild Turkeys Dear GON, I think there are many reasons why the turkey population is on the decline. I’m sure habitat reduction has something to do with it, but certainly not the only thing. I’m for a two-gobbler limit and maybe a shorter season, but is that…