

Fact From Fiction, And The Role Of Bias

If you saw a series of 200 photos of a mature whitetail buck getting nipped and bitten for hours by two coyotes until it was killed, what would you think? It might depend on what you already think. We all have an innate, basic human nature to form beliefs and then to search out tidbits…

GON’s Trophy Room – May 2021

Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us…

Black Water

I managed to make my first trip to the Caribbean a few summers back and fell in love with the warm waters of the tropics. If you have never been yourself, I highly recommend you slide it to the top of the old bucket list. Trust me when I say that you will be glad…

GON’s Trophy Room – April 2021

Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us…

A Georgia Giant

We took Champ up to hunt with my good buddy Luke Gunter in Clermont, GA. The land we were hunting was right along the Chattahoochee River, and the only way to get there was by boat. We loaded up the dogs and headed out. After about two hours and a couple unsuccessful jumps, we finally…

GON’s Trophy Room – March 2021

Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us…

Talking Turkeys: Just An Anecdote

Let’s talk about turkeys. Again… I can’t tell you how many times over the past five years I’ve talked about this goofy looking critter. I love turkeys, and I love hunting them. Every good turkey hunter I know has spent more time than they’re probably comfortable with being questioned by me about turkeys. Do you…

GON’s Trophy Room – February 2021

Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us…

Moderating Free Speech

Moderation is powerful and important in life, whether we’re talking about how many times you return to the breakfast buffet, partaking in your libation of choice, or when you are publishing, which is what you’re doing every time you post something on the Internet. Should someone be allowed to moderate what you say or write?…

Hiking The Denny Cove Waterfall Trail

When it is late December and the forecast predicts decent weather, you take advantage of it. So when I saw temperatures were expected to be in the upper 40s on Dec. 29, I got up early and headed for South Cumberland State Park just outside of Monteagle, TN. The park is 30,845 acres that spans…

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