

It’s About The People

A few weeks ago we finished up our very last issue of Alabama Outdoor News—GON‘s sister publication for 15 years. For that decade and a half, our staff in Madison worked with a number of folks in Alabama to produce those pages. So what am I going to miss about AON? Simple. The people. My favorite…

GON’s Trophy Room – December 2021

Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us…

A Gun Named ‘Meat In The Pot’

My dad died the day after I wrote last month’s column, a rambling piece about outdoor memories I titled First Deer, Last Deer.  We knew his passing was coming, and it seemed to be coming on quick that week. And I’m sure that’s why last month I was so sentimental about outdoor memories and how…

Skin A Deer – Tailgate Deer Processing

Every November when the rut kicks in and either-sex days open in many counties, there are deer processors across Georgia that fill up and are not able to take any more deer. A deer hunter should know how to quarter a deer and get that meat in a cooler. Here, Scott Hodges shows us on…

Ross Kills A Hoss!

Scott Hodges gets to interview his 12-year-old son Ross after the young man downs a super 8-point buck in Crawford County, Georgia.   Scott’s video blog Southern Reflections With Scott Hodges will appear regularly at Scott Hodges, of Byron, owns Southern Reflections Taxidermy and has long been a GON contributor. If you have ever…

Chad Green’s Twiggs County Buck

While on a photo shoot for a potential cover for GON magazine, Scott Hodges spoke with Chad Green about his buck taken in Twiggs County. Chad had passed the buck for several years, and this season the big 10-pointer grew an impressive rack. To read about Chad’s hunt and his history with the buck, check…

GON’s Trophy Room – November 2021

Since Georgia Outdoor News magazine started in 1987, we have continuously enjoyed sharing the accomplishments of others. Some months we’ll receive hundreds of pictures of happy hunters and anglers every year who just want to share their accomplishments. We are truly blessed that so many loyal Georgians think enough of GON to share with us…

First Deer, Last Deer

There are memories so clear, so vivid, it’s like I’m right there once again. The outdoors can do that. I think that’s part of the reason why some people get so caught up in hunting and fishing that it becomes a major part of their lives—a primary part.  Someone who has spent time hunting and…

A Lesson In Shotgun Humility

Middle school football season is about gone, but I did hear another good one the other evening. Lady No. 1 says to Lady No. 2 that our team had just made it inside the “red zone,” even sharing that NFL announcers refer to teams being inside the red zone all the time. The ball was…

Girls Trap Too!

What image comes to mind when you think about a really good trapper? Robert Redford playing Jeremiah Johnson, and Tom Oar from the History Channel’s Mountain Men series. Rough, tough and gruff. Men of few words and all business. Yep, that’s my trapper. Not so fast, Brad… It has been brought to my thick skull that…

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