Beginning Of My First Turkey Season
Turkey season opens this week. What better way to get ready than to do a little shooting and getting comfortable with the gun I would be using? Shooting in front of others definitely got me out of my comfort zone, as well as filming. Normally, I like to be behind the camera. However, things are…
Here Comes Turkey Season!
What better way to start off turkey season than by attending the 43rd Annual NWTF Sport Show in Nashville, Tenn. this past weekend. Let me start off with the road to get there was not as easy as planned. My weekend started off with me waking up a 4 a.m. to go to the Truck-Buck…
Slow It Down
This past weekend I took a weekend trip to Asheville. Driving through the curvy mountain roads gave me time to reflect on this past hunting season and what I wanted to accomplish this coming year. This past season I didn’t hunt as much as I wanted, due to work and school, as well as for…
The GON Parking Lot
Crazy thing happened to me over the holidays. I met GON freelance writer Donald Jarrett in the GON parking lot. That’s alone is not crazy, but the happenstance, circumstances and connections turned that random meeting into something very special. I also met his Donald’s son Devereaux. Still not getting it? If I didn’t walk out…
Just Kill A Deer Already
“Cochran, you just need to kill a deer.” Those were the words that Brad Gill spoke in our discussion about me not being sure if I was ever going to sit in my spacious blind again. It was difficult for me to come to terms that I injured a buck and was not able to…
Articles written by Erika
Chattahoochee National Forest, Cohutta WMA Hunters Voices Needed
Chattahoochee National Forest and Cohutta WMA hunters are encouraged to participate in an ongoing U.S. Forest Service planning project in an effort to improve habitat and boost game populations on nearly 145,000 acres of public-hunting land across eight north Georgia counties. The Foothills Landscape Project began with a series of Community Conversation meetings in the fall of 2016,…
Tick Bite Causes Human Allergic Reaction When Eating Red Meat
While you enjoy your springtime pursuit for a gobbler, you may be joined by a small critter that will try and hang around for a while. The lone star tick is the most common tick in the Southeast, and it’s the only tick in the United States to carry the tick-bite-induced red meat allergy. All…
Gwinnett City Votes No On Bowhunter Permits
Peachtree Corners, a city in Gwinnett County, voted down an ordinance that would have required anyone bowhunting inside the city limits to first obtain a city permit. This was the second attempt to pass a city ordinance that would have created a hurdle for bowhunters. The city’s first attempt—which came at the October meeting—tried to…
Hunter Killed In Shooting Accident
Joseph Wesley Hoffman, 34, of Morgan County, passed away Nov. 11 after being shot when another hunter’s gun accidentally discharged. The incident occurred when Hoffman and the other hunter were retrieving their guns from the backseat of a four-door pick-up truck at opposite ends of the truck after arriving at private property in Jasper County. The incident…