Evan DiMaggio, 9, of Flowery Branch, lives on Lake Lanier. He fishes a lot, but he has never caught anything like the three-billed gar he caught July 10, 2011. Not many people have. Evan and his dad, Pat, were out in their jonboat in the Burton Mill Park Cove, which is near their Lake Lanier…
It’s getting hard to keep up with who is the lake record holder for hybrid bass at Carters. Since 2009, the record has changed hands four times. All of those fish were caught in the month of May. The newest record holder is Dick Neubert, of Hiawassee, who caught his 13-lb., 5.4-oz. hybrid with a…
It may not be too hot to sit on a field, but it’s definitely too hot to stand over a grill. Here’s a tasty way to prepare dove breasts in the oven. While they’re cooking, get online and look up Jerry’s cookbook, “Going Wild Southern Style.” It is now available at <>. Dove Crisp (Oven-Baked…
Last deer season, Ranger First Class Chase Altman received complaints from an area of Appling County he called a night-hunting “hotspot.” Gene Road near the border of Appling and Wayne counties runs through a rural area dotted with agricultural fields. It is a tempting place for poachers to ride the roads at night looking for…
So I hear Major League Baseball may have a little problem. Surprise, surprise. Part of the surprise is likely that you’re reading about it on the back page of GON. But this one is unlike any other MLB mess you’ve heard tell of. Because the hitters making the big bucks are now allegedly getting their…
Sportsmen shouldn’t be sued for doing what is right. Now, they won’t if we band together in a simple program. Sportsmen have always been noted for their generosity, their willingness to share the bounty of the land with others. That willingness is consistent with the sense of fair chase and husbandry that is at the…
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) 2011 Waterfowl Population Status report shows potential for good waterfowl seasons this year. Also, biologists are seeing good things from local ducks and geese. WRD waterfowl biologist Greg Balkcom said excellent habitat conditions in the areas Georgia’s birds migrate from means we’re likely to see good numbers of…
Kind Words From Truck-Buck Shoot-Out Contestants Dear GON, My family and I would like to thank GON for doing a great job with the Outdoor Blast in Macon. The camaraderie with the competitors in the Truck-Buck Shoot-Out was a good experience. We were all cheering for each other. One thing you did that really added class…
September 2011 Feature Articles Fannypacks And Food Sources To get your opening-day deer, pick the right food source to hunt over, and fill your pack well for a comfortable, safe sit. 61 Bow-Bucks Make The Record Books Last season was stellar for record-book bucks for bowhunters. Dog-Day-Proof Bass At Clarks Hill While the fishing on…
The black coyote broke the skin on the buck’s neck, but he couldn’t hang on but a split second. The younger gray female coyote that had been tailing the black yote had already retreated, knowing the buck was much too big to handle. The old male black coyote was nearly blind and was living out…