

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 7 Results 2020-21

Week 7 (Oct. 24-30) 1. Jaxon Morman (c), Harris Co., 118 3/8 2. Drake Nowell, Lowndes Co., 114 2/8 3. Ethan Eastin, Floyd Co., 103 0/8 4. Cody Gay, Ware Co., 92 4/8 Key: (c) crossbow Return to Main Youth Big-Buck Contest Scoring Results Page

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 17 Results 2020-21

Week 17 (Jan. 2 to season close) 1. Jayden Daniel, Morgan Co., 113 1/8 2. Gracie Boswell, Oconee Co., 103 6/8 Return to Main Youth Big-Buck Contest Scoring Results Page

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 5 Results 2020-21

Week 5 (Oct. 10-16) 1. Hunter Overholt, Macon Co., 132 5/8 Return to Main Youth Big-Buck Contest Scoring Results Page

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 13 Results 2020-21

Week 13 (Dec. 5-11) 1. Tate Luckie, Wilcox Co., 123 5/8 2. Joseph Owens, Dooly Co., 115 5/8 3. Lane Fletcher, Tift Co., 114 6/8 4. Caleb Sanders, Greene Co., 100 6/8 Return to Main Youth Big-Buck Contest Scoring Results Page

Youth Big-Buck Contest 2020-21 Scoring Results

The second of two scoring events for GON’s Truck-Buck and Youth Big-Buck contests was held in Madison on Saturday, Feb. 27. We measured a record number of racks from youth hunters, 15 and younger, who showed up to have their bucks scored in the hopes of moving on to the GON Youth Big-Buck Shoot-Out. The winner of…

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 3 Results 2020-21

Week 3 (Sept. 26 – Oct. 2) 1. Jacey Stewart (c), Warren Co., 128 5/8 2. Graham Lowe (c), Early Co., 127 4/8 Key: (c) crossbow Return to Main Youth Big-Buck Contest Scoring Results Page

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 14 Results 2020-21

Week 14 (Dec. 12-18) 1. Jaxon Morman (c), Harris Co., 121 5/8 Jaxon won Week 7 and can only win one spot in the Youth Shoot-Out. Therefore, second-place entrant Brodie Law earns the  LockedOn 360 Mobile Gun Vise and will compete in the Youth Shoot-Out as the Week 14 winner. 2 (WINNER). Brodie Law, Tift…

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 9 Results 2020-21

Week 9 (Nov. 7-13) 1. Holden Hines, Macon Co., 126 0/8 2. Jack Lester, Harris Co., 120 0/8 3. Cole Dobbs, Morgan Co., 110 2/8 4. Kenzi Knowles, Marion Co., 104 3/8 Return to Main Youth Big-Buck Contest Scoring Results Page

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 2 Results 2020-21

Week 2 (Sept. 19-25) 1. Drake Tingler (b), Morgan Co., 140 1/8 2. E.J. Mullis (b) Tift Co., 126 4/8 Key: (b) bow Return to Main Youth Big-Buck Contest Scoring Results Page

Youth Big-Buck Contest Week 4 Results 2020-21

Week 4 (Oct. 3-9) Cody Gay (b), Ware Co., 87 3/8 Key: (b) bow Return to Main Youth Big-Buck Contest Scoring Results Page

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