

GON April 2021 Issue

GON April 2021 Volume 35, No. 4 In 35+ years GON has never had a trout on the cover. It’s about time! And what better image than this beautiful shot of guide Kory Chastain. Cover Photo by David Cannon   April 2021 Feature Articles Lanier’s April Spawning Spots The spotted bass are in all stages…

Michael Waddell: Born To Hunt

Michael Waddell and Georgia gobblers go back a long way. His love of turkey hunting and the skills he developed as a master caller and hunter when he was a teenager opened the door to an extraordinary outdoor career that has been going strong for over 20 years. And even though his love of turkey…

Guest Editorial-Opinion: Time For Sportsmen To Stand Up For 2nd Amendment

“Now that Democrats have taken over all three branches of government, they are going to pass gun-ban laws and confiscate all your guns.” “Now that Democrats have taken over all three branches of government, they are going to pass reasonable gun laws that prevent gun crime.” Listen to either side on gun control, and you…

Redneck Refinement

“Lookee here, all you gots to do is take this yer pencil-looking stick—what does they call them thangs? Anyways, rub it kindly scrapin’-like ‘crost the shaller bowl of that there…” “Nawww, he ain’t never gonna learn to work a outfit that complicated! What you need to do is put this here chunk’a plaskit in yer…

Tournament Reports – April 2021


Realtree Kids Scrapbook – April 2021

Send us a picture of your GON Realtree Outdoor kid. Email image and caption details (name, hometown, age, and county where critter or fish was taken) to [email protected].  

Hunter’s Journal – April 2021

By Justin Lance Opening day of the 2020 youth season, I took my son Benton turkey hunting for the first time ever. We had prepared and worked on a setup and how to shoot and where to aim for the prior two days leading up to turkey season. I tried to prepare him for long…

West Point Crappie With Joey Mines

West Point fishing guide Joey Mines says that crappie anglers are some of the kindest and most friendly people in the world. He should know since he has been guiding them to crappie for 38 years and averages 275 days a year fishing for them on West Point. That’s a lot of crappie fishing! Joey…

Letters To The Editor – April 2021

In Support Of Tightening Turkey Hunting Regulations? Dear GON, I’m one of the majority who supports a change of regulations for turkey hunting. I believe that of the proposed changes mentioned in the March issue that decreasing the bag limit to two gobblers and allowing only one in the first 10 days is the way…

Gobbers Up Close And Personal

Surprisingly, there wasn’t a single truck at the gate when I pulled into the parking area in one of my favorite old spots. I had gotten there early in hopes of beating the crowd. It was only 4:15 a.m., but I was still surprised. I sat there in the truck for another 15 minutes rethinking…

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