Fishing Reports
Eufaula: Level: 2.5 feet below 190 full pool. Temp: Upper 70s. Clarity: Light stain. Bass: Guide Sam Williams reports, “The spring rains and winds continue to keep the water stirred up and the fish somewhat confused. The extremely long-lasting cold winter and cool spring have the vegetation growth behind schedule, but it is finally beginning…
How many catfish are swimming in Lake Eufaula? Who knows, but you can add a few more thousand to that number after GON writer Ronnie Garrison captured a pretty cool video of thousands of catfish fry along the bank on May 23 at Lakepoint Campground by the boat ramp. “I’m not sure what species they…
People attending the Ag-Pro GON Outdoor Blast this August will have the chance to hear—and rub elbows with—some of the best competition turkey callers in the nation. The 1st annual Yonah Invitational, a sanctioned NWTF Grand National Qualifying event, will be held in the LakePoint Champions Center during the Blast. Outdoor writer Donald Devereaux Jarrett…
Nearly 230 like-minded sportsmen, women and conservationists gathered for a night of food, fun, fellowship and fundraising as the Georgia Chapter of Safari Club International (SCI) hosted its annual Sportsman’s Banquet and Auction at Adventure Outdoors in Smyrna. Georgia SCI was proud to welcome fellow hunter and Georgia Governor, Brian Kemp, who shared hunting stories and signed House…
Close to the house over in Rutledge, Georgia filming this video with Brian and Wes. We started the morning slow, walking for a couple hours with no fresh sign, but when we finally found them, it was chaos. We had dogs scattered all over the place and were able to catch a couple big boars.…
Our long-time friends at Woods-N-Water Hunting and Fishing Adventures are embarking on a brand-new business venture that will absolutely be of interest to some hunters and fishermen. They have just announced that Woods-N-Water Artifact Adventure weekends will begin in June 2021 and will take place in Wilkinson County. “Guests and families will learn more about…
By Debbie Crook The Haralson County Wildlife Association held the 39th annual Kid’s Trout Fishing Rodeo on Saturday, May 8. This year’s event had approximately 800 fishing participants and 1,600 total attendees and is rated by the local Chamber of Commerce as one of the largest events held in Haralson County. The Haralson County Wildlife…
By Scott Barwick Susan Barwick and Heidi Rhodes co-own Kaleidoscope, a consignment shop for women in Thomasville. They have become best friends and have helped each other through life’s difficult situations. Their friendship is truly genuine. One day at the shop the topic of turkey hunting came up. Susan mentioned that she has hunted them…
Brunch with your opening day dove shoot? The traditional late BBQ lunch as dove hunters shuffle their feet killing time before heading to the field on opening day may be replaced by a brunch after the shooting starts at daylight. The 2021-2022 migratory bird season hunting dates and regulations were recently approved by the Board…
A Georgia angler from Griffin outfished a field of 200 co-anglers from across the nation to take top honors at the Ray Scott Championship, held the second week of April at Lake Chickamauga on the Tennessee River. Phillip Johnson earned a huge co-angler payout totaling more than $65,000, including a Triton boat and a sizable…