During these crazy days when people don’t want to work and grocery stores are often waiting on the next truck to dock with food or employees to stock the shelves, it’s not a bad idea to get the freezer full of venison. Ava Morgan, 13, of Wray, got pro-active in meat collecting on Oct. 1…
Dale had been working on a new carport for a few weeks at his parent’s house when he noticed something about the neighbor’s house. Dale went to his friend who worked as a local realtor asking him if he knew what to do if someone else was protruding on their place. Protruding? Like a tree…
Want to be in an upcoming issue of GON magazine? Send photographs to [email protected]. Include name, subscriber number, hometown, county, date and details.
Email your trail-camera pics to [email protected]. Please include your name, GON subscriber number, hometown, county where the picture was taken, date, time and any interesting details for a caption.
The Conservation LE Corner is designed to highlight the efforts of Georgia DNR Law Enforcement Division (LED) officers who, among their many duties, protect Georgia’s wildlife, sportsmen and natural resources from game-law violators. Putnam County: During routine patrol on Dec. 6, 2020, Sgt. Matt Garthright pulled into the Sugar Creek public boat ramp on Lake…
“Just once,” I wheedled Dylan. “We’ve never tried it before. There ain’t any other option. And it’s what’s known as an adventure.” Probably should have left off that last statement, because he’s heard it all his life. And our “adventures” sometimes tend to turn out not so sporty… Here’s the deal: I had never been…
What image comes to mind when you think about a really good trapper? Robert Redford playing Jeremiah Johnson, and Tom Oar from the History Channel’s Mountain Men series. Rough, tough and gruff. Men of few words and all business. Yep, that’s my trapper. Not so fast, Brad… It has been brought to my thick skull that…
Bass Slam For Cindy Cindy Otwell, of Mableton, completed her Georgia Bass Slam the weekend of Sept. 11 by catching her largemouth and Bartram’s bass. She had already caught a shoal bass, spotted and redeye bass earlier this year. The Georgia Bass Slam is a recognition program offered by the Fisheries Section of Georgia’s WRD.…
Onion-Stuffed Grilled Pheasant If you get the opportunity to hunt pheasants out west or on a preserve, try this recipe. 4 pheasant breast halves 3 cups apple juice 5 cloves garlic 4 tablespoons rosemary 2 cups brown sugar 5 orange peels 5 whole bay leaves 1 cup kosher salt 1 gallon of water 4 green…