

Gobbler Quest For The Rest

By Deborah Wallace Having accomplished our Grand Slam for turkeys in the United States, my husband Paul and I went to Mexico to pursue the World Slam by hunting the Gould’s turkey. We arrived in Hermosillo, Sonora where we spent the night.  We were picked up the following morning by our guide, Nigel, for a…

Kilgore’s Kids Make Hunting Dream Come True For Two Sisters

By Josh Preston In my family, hunting, fishing and spending time outdoors is just a part of life. I have always loved the idea of deer hunting since I was a small child watching my grandpa and my uncle bring deer home to be skinned and processed. Some of my best memories are of my…

Coastal Resources Division Invests In Commercial Fisheries

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and Coastal Pines Technical College Foundation today announced a new scholarship and endowment program to invest in the next generation of Georgia’s commercial fishermen. The “Georgia Commercial Fishing Sustainability and Resilience Endowment“ and the “Georgia Commercial Fishing Scholarship,” funded by DNR’s Coastal Resources Division (CRD), will aid Coastal…

CWD Confirmed In Alabama Deer

A sample recently collected from a hunter harvested, white-tailed deer in west-central Lauderdale County, Alabama has been confirmed positive for Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). This is the first case of CWD detected in Alabama’s deer herd. “CWD was first detected in Tennessee and Mississippi in 2018 and has been moving slowly toward Alabama,” said Chris…

New Georgia Fishing Regs Now Available Online

Start planning your fishing adventures for the new year and be sure to review the updated 2022 Georgia Sport Fishing Regulations Guide, says the Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division (WRD). “Whether you are brand new to fishing or an experienced angler, you can always find something of interest in the Sport Fishing…

GON January 2022 Issue

Donald Peppers and his Morgan County 14-pointer are entered in Week 7 of Truck-Buck. See more Truck-Buck entries.  Photo by Brad Gill   January 2022: Vol. 36, No. 1 January Feature Articles Public-Land Squirrels With World Champ Dog Hunting squirrels with a dog is great fun for kids and adults, and as this hunt shows,…

Old-School Bow Takes Grady County’s First Record Bow Buck

In this era when archers gather to brag about arrow speed, Chip Wells likes to talk about arrow lethality. All that old-school thinking for the Cairo native made it possible for him to take what could prove to be the biggest bow-taken buck ever from Grady County. Rough measurements show that the buck will likely…

Lake Oconee Wintertime Spoon Fishing For Linesides

From the time I was old enough to crawl into a plywood boat on the Ocmulgee River, there’s one thing I was taught NOT to do: make noise. So why is this striper guide constantly rapping on the floor of his Ranger with the rubber-tipped butt end of a sawed-off walking cane? Because he’s learned…

Jake’s 2022 Resolution

“So, Jake, tell me about your resolutions.” Five. Four. Three. Two. One… “Wal, I jes’ ain’t peeved at nobody.” Five. Four. Three… “You ain’t peeved? What are you even talking about?” “Seems lak to me you gotta be at least a little peevish with a body to start one of them revolutions. An’ I jes’…

Kids Outdoor Outpost – January 2022

Late-Season Whitetails The technology available to today’s hunter has certainly changed the way we hunt. Want to know what time to be in your stand? Place a deer cam out on a well-used trail or area and have it set to send photos remotely to your phone. Some may set up an automatic spin feeder…

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